136. He is cold, he is cold, he is cold.

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No one can understand Su Su's mood at this time.

What is a moment of heaven and a moment of hell? She is talking about now.

Why is she so ugly that she can eat a building?

Su Su was trembling with anger and almost didn't lift the quilt.

She couldn't help feeling sullen when she thought of the bad guy who had turned off the computer and had fallen asleep.

I found the WeChat interface, brewed some emotions, and sent him a WeChat.

When Lu Xiao was about to take a bath, the phone rang, he clicked, and his eyebrows raised slightly.

{Daughter-in-law: Are you there, brother? }

This remark was changed on November 2nd. I didn't expect that the little girl would send a message to him at so late.

Lu Xiao quickly replied: {What's the matter? }

{Daughter-in-law: Are you the hero of Fighting Bird tv? }

{Daughter-in-law: Don't ask how I knew it, it was recommended by my roommate. }

{Daughter-in-law: I just thought that your voices were very similar at first, but I was not sure until later...you are him. }

{Daughter-in-law: Classmate Lu, I heard all your scolding me. }

{Daughter-in-law: Is self-hey fun? }

{Daughter-in-law: Also, don't you have no money to make a living by moving bricks... What's the matter with this anchor? }

{Daughter-in-law: My father is right, no man in this world is a good thing tat}

Immediately afterwards, another cat crouched in the corner, crying sadly.

Across the screen, I can feel the grievance of the girl on the phone.

Lu Xiao shook his hand and the phone flew out of his hand. With a click, the screen cracked.


Shock, panic, and madness filled Lu Xiao's heart. Before he had time to find a chance to tell Su Su about the anchor, how did she know? !

Fortunately, he did not die when he had just scolded her a lot.

Lu Xiao's calf shook as well. He picked up the phone and ignored the shattered external screen. He hurriedly replied: No, you can listen to me explaining that I am not proud of myself!

After he finished typing, he felt that this sentence was too cumbersome. After all, it is an indisputable fact that he lied to Su Su. Thinking about this, Lu Xiao pinched his brows and sighed with a headache.

Forget it, a mature and steady man must dare to admit his mistakes.

He deleted this line, retyped it, and said sincerely: {I'm sorry Sumei, this is all my fault. }


Lu Xiao's word "you" flashed in the prompt box, and the system quickly came up with a prompt.

{The message has been sent, but it was rejected by the other party. }

Lu Xiao: "..."

He actually wanted to ask, "You won't go to the construction site to help me bring lunch tomorrow."

Because he was blackened, Lu Xiao swallowed this sentence back into his stomach.

I thought of what he said just now in the live broadcast room.

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