05. A tasteful embrace

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However, in view of Su Su's correct apology, Lu Xiaodeng is not good at comparing with a little girl.

He tapped slightly and twisted the bottle of mineral water in his hand. The bottle instantly compressed into a small ball and leaped into the trash bin with a very precise arc.

The trash bin is about ten meters away. Su Su was dumbfounded and blurted out: "The young man is so good!"

Lu Xiao didn't take it seriously, lowered his eyes, and said slowly: "Your brother is in a good mood today and doesn't want to kill. I will now give you five seconds to take your card and people away. , Can you understand? "

The handsome guy in front of him was full of irritability, and the appearance of being beaten at any time was really scary.

Su Su was unconsciously stepped back two steps. Unexpectedly, there was a dry branch under his foot, one was unstable, the sole suddenly slipped, and his body fell back uncontrollably-

Su Su was about to cry without tears, thinking that in her current posture, no matter how she threw, she could not avoid the danger of falling, and she would no longer be tossing about it. She closed her eyes and waited for it to finish.

Sometimes life will be ups and downs, encounter danger, do n't be afraid, do n't be anxious, because you will never know what will happen next, and she is even ready to cry.

Lu Xiao saw that the girl closed her eyes and looked like she was calmly waiting to die. She was amused by her abruptly, but she felt that the world was truly unique. This stupid girl was the first to see her.

These thoughts were just a moment, he stepped up and held his arms, holding the girl firmly in his arms.

The sun was very bright, and Lu Xiao couldn't open her eyes, but he still could clearly see the facial features of the girl in front of him. His skin was almost transparent, and he could even see the fine fluff on her cheeks, tender and tender, like It's a cute little cat.

Time seemed to be stretched wirelessly at this moment, Su Su thought she would fall miserably, not to mention that the disabled would at least drop a buttock, but she didn't expect to fall into a hug.

It was a sweaty embrace.

Su Su opened his eyes and saw that the teenager didn't mean to let go, so he pushed the other person's arm and politely said: "Can you let me go, you ... have a taste."

Listening to her tone seemed to bring a little bit of scorn.

You, body, supremacy, taste.

Lu Xiao: The five words "..." deeply humiliated the proud and expensive Lu Xiao.

Until the girl ran away, he didn't come back.

That's right. After moving the bricks for two or three days, I was sweating every day. Even if Xiangfei was reincarnated, it was impossible to maintain the state of fragrance. It's not surprising that there was a bit of sweaty smell on my body.

But the question is coming, he Lu Xiao, a big Yan valued as a high-tech talent anchor with millions of fans, was actually rejected by a high school student? !

It is a shame.

Lu Xiao held two bricks in his hand, thinking expressionlessly.

Su Su swiftly walked away under the expression of a young man who wanted to eat people, and waited for the 998 real estate before he was relieved.

Even if the environment of this real estate is bad, she didn't expect that even the brick workers would be so fierce!

Su Suxin rejoiced for a while, but fortunately the money was not given to him, otherwise she would not spend money to buy the guilt!

However, it is a pity not to listen to the tune!

She turned around and walked home. When the sun went down, when Su Su walked home with her short legs, the sun had already set.

Father Su bought a small bungalow in the center of the city. The residence was surrounded by a tall fence, surrounded by flowers and fruit trees. The bungalow was a classic dark brown, which looked elegant and luxurious.

As soon as Su Su entered the room, he heard Su's voice yelling: "Chu Baoer, try the eight treasures that Dad brought you. I bought it from Xing Su's room, and eat it while it's hot!"

Southerners used to give their daughters a nickname. Su Mutian didn't even graduate from junior high school, and he couldn't think of a cultural name. He had to call Su Baoer Su Baoer. This is eighteen years.

Su Su responded and looked at her busy Su father in the kitchen. She apparently looked pretty big and big, but she was better at cooking than anyone else.

The bottom of her eyes floated warmly, and responded cleverly.

"Got it, dad."

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