134. Husband cheated.

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Su Su was afraid that Father Su would see the red marks on her face, and waited until her face was completely swollen before returning home.

When I got home, I put on my slippers and habitually shouted, "Daddy, I'm back."

Su Mutian's voice with a smile soon came from the kitchen: "Su Bo'er, there are small desserts on the table. You should eat some to cushion your stomach, and the meal will be ready immediately."

Su Su put his schoolbag on the sofa and turned his head to see Su Mutian who was busy in the kitchen.

For so many years, she was brought up by him like this. No matter how busy the business is, as long as she is at home, Su's father will spare time to cook for her. As the family's conditions get better and better, many of them are with Su Mutian in her hometown. The mediators, but they were rejected by him who spoke righteously.

According to Su's father, even his mother is not good to the child. Who knows if another woman will bully his Su Baoer, all the property under his name will be left to Su Bao in the future. Child's.

Su Su pursed his lips and walked towards Su Mutian.

"Daddy." The voice was soft.

Su Mutian was cooking vegetables, and when he heard her daughter coming over, fearing that the oil would smoke her, he hurriedly lowered the fire, while still turning the spatula with his other hand, "What's wrong with Su Baoer?"

Su Su lowered his head and murmured, "It's nothing, I think you really hurt me."

Su Mutian was happy when he heard this. The most rare thing about him is Su Bao'er acting like a baby. The baby girl is really sensible and cute!

He smiled and said: "Silly girl, you are my daughter, don't you care who do you care?"

Su Su curled her lips and deliberately said, "You are the one who keeps my grains. What if my boyfriend dislikes me in the future?"

Su Mutian frowned and said angrily: "He dare!"

I was a little sad. Recently, the scumbag man in this world reported rampantly. It is really not easy to find a man like him who loves the crispy boy. He sighed and said, "It's really not possible. Then you will find a son-in-law. The kind that makes him go east and he dare not go west."

Whoever holds the economic power is the boss. His daughter is beautiful and rich, so he can't find a good man!

Su Su listened happily and grinned.

Thinking that the old man didn't have a wife in his middle age, he hooked his head and tentatively said, "Father, do you have a favorite aunt?"

Su Mutian heard this, the big and big old man flushed with embarrassment, and gestured to wave her with his hands, "Whether you like it or not, you can go back to the living room and wait, little girl, just take care of yourself. Do you know it!"

Su Su stuck out his tongue and quickly slipped out of the kitchen.

She was obviously for his own good, she was an older person, and she didn't know what to do with her marriage. She was really worried about her daughter.

Su Su sighed with an old sigh.

After eating and watching TV episodes, Su Su went back to the bedroom and took a shower. As soon as he lay down on the bed, his phone rang.

She raised her eyebrows slightly.

This sound is a unique reminder sound of Fighting Bird tv. It will only pop up to remind the anchor when the broadcast starts. She only followed Lu Xiao on the platform, and she knew who was broadcasting without thinking about it.

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