126. It Is Your Blessing to Meet Me.

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Pedestrians hurry on the road, and the light in the small alley is not very bright. As long as no one looks inside, no one can spot a man and a woman clinging to the wall.

Lu Xiao's mind seemed to be blasted through the sky cannon, crackling.

His head was almost exploded into fireworks.

--She kissed him.

She actually kissed him when he wanted to let her go? ? !

Lu Xiao felt a little uncomfortable. When he kissed her in a hot pot restaurant, he was afraid that the little girl would be angry, so he pretended to be slippery and pretended to accidentally touch him, but he never expected that Su Su would take the initiative to kiss him!

Are the good girls now so bold and direct?

Moreover, her actions were not at all shy, if he hadn't understood her very well, he would almost think that she was a master of love.

At this moment, Lu Xiao felt like he was working hard and forcing his husband to work outside. After working hard and working hard for many days, he returned home to visit his mother-in-law, only to find that his wife was cheating at home with him behind his back, but he had never unlocked it before. Posture.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the ball of pink fluff hung on him, with a cold voice: "Who did you learn from?"

Su Su was not afraid. He blinked his eyelashes and said innocently, "TV dramas, aren't TV dramas like this?"

Lu Xiao: "..."

What's the complicated feeling that your child was taken away by the TV series?

The little girl probably noticed his mood swings, she was about to slide down from him, and said in a particularly aggrieved voice, "You don't like it."

"If I don't like it, I won't kiss next time."

What she said is as easy and simple as if you wait a moment and I will drink some water first.

Lu Xiao's forehead jumped fiercely, feeling that this girl was testing his willpower.

He hugged the opponent's waist, circled the person in his arms, and said in a low voice, "I don't like it." After a pause, he went on to say, "Kissing is something that a very close person can do, Sister Su, you Mom never taught you?"

In Lu Xiao's eyes, this girl was so innocent. He even wondered how she grew up so cute and so innocent. She didn't get abducted by bad guys and met him again. Blessing.

This girl is so fucking lucky.

Su Su's eyes darkened, and suddenly she fell silent.

Lu Xiao was a little stunned. The face of the little guy in his arms dimmed in an instant, and the whole person shrank, but she was in his arms, where can she shrink, he turned his eyes and said, "What's wrong? "

Su Su pursed her lips and said softly, "My mom divorced my dad when I was very young. I grew up... I lived with my dad."

She said this calmly, as if she was recounting what happened to others.

Lu Xiao suddenly felt like something stabbed in his heart, not very painful, but the sharp touch could not be ignored.

He thought that a kind and lively character like Su Su must have a very warm childhood, but he never expected that the other party would be a divorced family.

"Don't be sad, brother will love you in the future." Lu Xiao tried to make his voice sound normal.

There are thousands of girls suffering from divorce in the world. Lu Xiao is not a god. He can't care and pet every girl. He can only pet Su Su. This is enough for him.

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