89. Bye bye, the next one is even better.

198 3 0

Su Su's memory is excellent. At first glance, he inexplicably felt that the number sent by the male anchor was a bit familiar.

In fact, it is more than just this series of numbers. Even the male anchor's voice and tone of voice seem familiar to her.

It's the kind of Baoyu who met Daiyu and couldn't help but say "I've seen this sister." Su Su couldn't help but jump out now and say, "I seem to have seen this string of numbers with the male anchor. of."

She suppressed this thought and typed a line: {Anchor, do you often add fans? }

There was a quick reply: {No, you are the first one. }

Su Su took a breath.

Fortunately, the male anchor turned off the live broadcast screen. Otherwise, if this was seen by his fanatical fans, the human flesh would still be light, and she was afraid that the female fans would come to the door and pour sulfuric acid on her.

Is it possible that the male anchor wants to be fans?

That's not okay, Su Su has always been reserved, and has never been the kind of girl outside who likes to mess around.

Su Su copied the WeChat account with a blushing face, opened the WeChat add friend section, and clicked search--

The avatar is a group of black that kills Matt, and the id name is actually called Brother Move Brick?

Su Su thought that this anchor was a bit interesting. They all had the same name as Lu Xiao. He was about to add friends, and he was taken aback. Only then did he realize that something was wrong.


The blush on Su Su's face slowly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. She calmly told herself that it was probably due to the illusion of eating too much ice cream today. Thinking like this, Su Su suddenly closed her eyes.

Close, open.

Close, open.


This action was repeated dozens of times, and Su Su finally blushed.

Brother Moving Brick is a male anchor.

The male anchor is a little brother moving bricks.

Go fuck.

All this finally has a reasonable explanation, why she felt familiar when she heard the voice of a male anchor for the first time, she was a damn person!

To blame, the name of the God of Owl is too loud, and who would have thought that a repeater who is so unlearned and proud of skipping classes is actually the God of Owl with 5 million fans in the gaming circle?

This world is so fucking too imaginary.

I probably couldn't wait to add friends to apply, and I sent a few more messages.

{I haven't received your friend's application here. Will it not be operated? }

{Very simple, just click Add in the communication bar. }

The man's attitude is extremely gentle. Who would have thought that such a gentle and interesting male anchor would be the same person as that venomous steel man.

Su Su suddenly felt like being played with.

As the anchor Lu Xiao, let alone her father who loves to play mahjong, even if his mother can afford to play mahjong every day, okay? !

Fortunately, she was worried that the other party would not have enough to eat and wear. Wait, she brushed so many piercing arrows, didn't she end up in the pocket of this liar?

Su Su's chest trembled with anger, staring at the phone screen, trembling lips unable to speak.

Thinking of the past, it was always her Su Su playing with others, who knew that she would capsize the boat in the gutter this time?

Thinking that she had even said that she was in love with an anchor in front of a teenager, Su Su's face was green again.

Su Su felt that the term "peerless idiot" was simply born for her.

In the rush to make money with others, there are really few people like her in the world who lack the heart.

The liar probably thought that her village had just been online and had not learned how to add friends, so he poke her again.

{Sister Qianduo, don't you know how to order? }

--Click on your father.

Su Su was so angry that he almost exploded.

Now looking at what the other person calls her, it is no different from sprinkling salt on her wound.

Su Su sneered, and typed a line on the screen.

{The money is given to you in vain, as it is to pay tribute to the love that Miss Ben has lost one second before. }

{Goodbye scum! }


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