19. She grew up eating Tang monk's meat

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Holding a smile, he took Su Su to the no-smoking area.

"A Xiao, there is a girl who wants to catch you back to school!" Chen Guang said. He didn't look back when he saw the teenager, and turned his face to Su Su, who said: "He won't ignore people before the game ends.  Wait for him for a while. "

Su Su blinked and nodded.

The girl's eyes were dumbfounded, and Chen Guang, who looked so obediently, raised her lips slightly, and with a whisper in her heart, the little girl looked really sweet, and she didn't know which cheap kid would be cheap.

After Chen Guang left, Su Su was free to look at the surrounding facilities.

The non-smoking area is different from the chaos seen outside. The surroundings are very quiet. Only Lu Xiao 's non-stop mouse and keyboard click sounds. His front, back, left, and right positions are vacated. The lips are slightly pumped.

The social brother is different. Soaking up an internet cafe is so poor.

From her perspective, she can only see the teenager 's profile. Xu is because he is wearing earphones on his ears. He is insensitive to everything around him. This dedicated look, people who do n't know think he is talking about contracts and projects. The amount is still 100 million yuan.

Su Su stared at the teenager's side face, gradually fascinated, and then heard a laugh-like voice: "What are you looking at?"

She was shocked in her heart. The feeling of peeking at her face and being caught made her slightly unnatural. Su Su blinked, "Student Lu, have you finished?"

After finishing the last game, Lu Xiao retreated to the game lobby, just preparing to open the next game, he felt a sight that could not be ignored. Who would have seen the irritated little mushroom when he turned around.

He narrowed his eyes and snorted: "It's your business."

Su Su's lips twitched slightly, enduring the urge to hit someone and said: "Student Lu, the counselor told me to catch you back, since you are done playing, just follow me ..."

Lu Xiaoting's forehead jumped, how did this guy make a sentence, is it used for 'caught'? !

Fans in the live broadcast room also heard the movement outside the headphones, and they immediately became happy.

{Which school is the God of the Owls? }

{So he skipped class ahahahaha! }

{This kind of drama code captured by the teacher can actually appear on the God of Owl! }

{Escape class live broadcast for us, fans! We have to learn to be grateful and brush up with clouds and arrows! }

In the live broadcast room, Lu Xiaoli laughed into a pot of porridge, and his brow frowned slightly, looking impatiently at the little mushroom standing next to him, "I know."

Then I saw a little confusion on the white and soft face of the little mushroom. He twitched and repeated patiently: "I said I know, little man, you can go."

Su Su: "???

Height, weight and age have always been the three taboos of women. It is really unbearable. She shook her lips and asked: "Who do you say is a dwarf ?!"

"Student Lu, we need to be conscientious as a man. What will I do if I don't grow up as an athlete? What's more ... I ... where am I short?"

The little dwarf is like a machine gun. He keeps bursting in his ears, which is more than the stamina of 98k. Lu Xiao's lips twitched and twitched. When he saw the other party, he was still talking and gritted his teeth: "Su Su , Did you grow up eating Tang monk meat? "

Su Su is unclear, so she wrinkled her nose: "What ... what do you mean?"

Lu Xiao sneered: "Why haven't you eaten Tang monk meat?"

He said, with a slight tone of voice, and asked in a calm voice: "Also, how does old Liu know that I am in an Internet cafe?"

Su Su: "..."

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