121. He loves his wife so much.

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In this regard, Su Su really didn't pretend, she didn't even think that the person Lu Xiao said would be him.

Although she has never lacked self-confidence since she was a child, it was Lu Xiao-

It was Lu Xiao, who was poisoned to death by words, was the second-degree patient with eyes on the top of his head that didn't put anyone in his eyes, and...that was the boy whom she liked for some time.

Feelings will pull people off the altar, no one can escape.

Even the little overlord of Qingjie didn't dare to be big in this kind of thing, but now, that young man who used up all the ink in her stomach confessed to her?

Su Su had to be honest, she was happy.

Social brother is playing a hooligan when you fall in love with others, so it doesn't count to talk to her Su Su.

Lu Yao Luoqing stood not far from Su Su, and the words of the two of them came into their ears. Lu Yao suppressed the excitement and screaming, and grabbed Luo Qing next to him: "Aqing, I What I said is right, Brother Xiao really likes us Susu!"

Luo Qing encircled her arm and hummed softly, "Who doesn't like a simple and kind-hearted girl like our Susu."

If she is a man, there is nothing wrong with Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao waited for a long time. Before the girl could reply, his brows wrinkled slightly, "Susu, do you like me?"

"Blink your eyes if you like it, blink your eyes if you don't like it."

After speaking, she saw her staring at him with that round eyes.

It seems to be saying that Student Lu, who are you fooling around there.

Lu Xiao sighed, "Well, I know you are naturally timid and shy." After a pause, he said, "Then I will briefly introduce you to me."

"My surname is Lu, my single name is Xiao, I am an only child, and my family is still decent. Even if I don't rely on my family, Sumei, you will never suffer with me. As for my strength..."

Lu Xiao filtered it carefully in his mind, very frightened, lest the girl reply to him that you are not the type I like, so I don't want my face at all, so he said: "Handsome is actually second, I still have One of the most outstanding advantages is that he loves his daughter-in-law."

Painful daughter-in-law was handed down from the ancestors of the Lu family, and Lu Xiao didn't need to learn at all.

This buddy is really very interesting. People who know understand that he is confessing, but those who don't know think that he is recommending himself to the queen.

It's almost written on the face: You choose me, choose me, choose me, choose me, you can't buy it, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't be fooled, it's real value for money!

The surrounding classmates finally couldn't help but screamed one by one.

"Su Su, choose him, choose him!"

"Su Su, no matter what you choose him to do, you won't suffer!"

"Hurry up and choose for me!!!"

"Marry him, marry him, marry him!"


Finally, something weird seemed to have strayed in.

Su Su couldn't hold it back, and the corners of his lips curled up, but she was quickly pulled back, and the sane villain told her: Su Su, you have to be reserved.

The reserved Su Su coughed slightly, and his voice was hesitant: "Student Lu, will you really be good to me in the future?"

"My life is yours!"

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