93. Ninety-Nine Cold Spirit.

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Lu Xiao finally realized what it means to find a disease without being sick.

I can't tell the little girl that I'm not sick. What I said just now is deliberately fooling you into fun, right?

Lu Xiao was afraid that this girl would kill him with tears.

A. For 50 minutes of early self-study, in addition to class checking, the instructor will occasionally conduct surprise inspections, so even if the students are not happy, they should stay honestly until the end of the early self-study.

The girl next to her was like chanting, ten fifty-eight seconds, fifty-seven seconds..., counting until the bell rang after class.

"Brother Lu, let's go to the infirmary!" Su Su stood up, urging him excitedly.

Lu Xiao: "..." She seemed very happy to see him.

Xu Zhiyang at the front gave a smirk: "Master Xiao, why are you still still? There is a little fairy who is with you, what else is there to dissatisfied?"

He listened to the whole process of the conversation between the two in front of him. Lu Xiao was sick and not. He was naturally clear.

Why is the rough guy jealous that he filed a complaint with his boss, and that there is no scum left to destroy the simple image of other migrant workers' uncles, right now?

It's time to cure the brain.

Lu Xiao didn't speak, but gave him a cold look.

The hostility hidden in his eyes was too strong, and Xu Zhiyang was so frightened that he took two steps backwards unconsciously, and then sat down on the table. Worthy of being Xiaoye, one look can kill a human head.

Xu Zhiyang feared that he would be killed when he stayed, so he pulled up Chen Yu, who was sleeping on the table like a dead pig, and fled the battlefield quickly.

"Brother Xiao, Sister Su, let's heal your brains, Chen Yu and I will go to eat first!"

This word came through the glass window.

He didn't dare to say it because he slipped fast.

Although the others in the class were curious about this scene, because Lu Xiao, Lord Yan, was there, he didn't dare to ask, so he had to prick his ears to listen to the gossip.

Su Su pursed her lips and whispered, "Brother Lu, are you reluctant to let me accompany you to treat the illness?"

He said that he would flatten his lips.

As soon as she made this posture, Lu Xiao's heart shrank almost reflexively. He raised his forehead, really afraid of her.

"No, let's go," Lu Xiao said.

In a very calm voice, Su Su was stunned to hear the heavy meaning.

She lowered her head and covered the smile on her lips.

After the two left the classroom, the other students dared to talk.

"Isn't Xiao Ye never close to women? What is the situation between him and Student Su?"

"Hey, do you still need to talk about it, classmate Su looks like a fairy. Which boy doesn't care about it?"

"I uploaded a photo of Master Xiao going out with a female classmate in the previous post. Although I can't see the face,...I intuitively related to classmate Su Su."

"But I heard Lu Xiao call her sister just now, it shouldn't be that kind of relationship..."

The person who said this was a female classmate who secretly admired Lu Xiao but didn't dare to talk about it.

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