187. My crisp girl is unreasonable.

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In fact, Qiao Meng doesn't love e-sports much, but once I accidentally swiped the live video of Xiaoshen on the Internet, and watched him use that casual tone, as if he played casually, he could put the opposing player into suspicion of bullying. life.

The man's self-confidence seemed to be brought from his bones. At that moment, his soul seemed to have been hit. From then on, Qiao Meng was fascinated by the man named Xiao Xiao.

She began to search for information about King King on the Internet. She downloaded Fighting Bird tv only for him. She silently gave him gifts every day. There are too many fans like her in the live broadcast room. She is like a drop in the ocean. Salt water is small and insignificant.

Whenever the night is quiet, Qiao Meng also secretly dreamed about whether she would suddenly meet the God of Owl and tell him that she is his fan, and then he would laugh at her, the two knew each other ,Familiar.

But when this day came, it completely broke the fantasy and expectation in Qiao Meng's heart, admiring... the boyfriend of her roommate who had a secret love for a long time.

How mysterious and ridiculous.

If at the beginning, Qiao Meng was envious of Su Su having a good boyfriend, to this day, it is completely jealous.

Xiao Shen is so drunk, his roommate still looks indifferent, even so, Xiao Shen still cares about each other so much, even when he sleeps...and keeps calling her name...

She was so messy, she answered.

As if sensing some signal, the young man stretched out his arm towards her. Qiao Meng felt the drunkenness coming from him, his heart thumped, and even his breathing slowed down for half a beat.

His fingers were close to her, and Joe dreamed of moving a little more towards him. Before implementing it, he was grabbed by the sleeve of his clothes. The opponent was extremely powerful and affected by the impact. Her body was uncontrollable. The resident was pulled up.

Qiao Meng turned his head and was about to look over, when he slapped his left cheek firmly.


The applause was extremely loud, and even overwhelmed Xu Zhiyang's wolf howling.

He slammed a sharp spirit, and his eyes swept towards the source of the sound subconsciously. When he saw the scene in front of him, his expression was a bit sluggish.

He, he, his soft and timid little sister-in-law hit someone? ? ! ! !

Everyone was stunned, even Chen Yu who was about to return to the box later.

The originally noisy and lively box suddenly became extremely silent, and Xu Zhiyang shook his legs and turned off the music.

Lu Xiao's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he unconsciously rubbed the brow bone.

Even Qiao Meng, the client, never thought that Su Su would not say a word, and slap her when he came up.

In winter, the skin and flesh were more tender. When she saw her left cheek flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, Qiao Meng's eyes immediately reddened, and she asked with tears, "Susu, why are you hitting me?"

The two are almost the same in height, and their looks are weak, but Su Su has a pair of apricot eyes, which are a little more plain and charming.

She squinted at the other person, then smiled suddenly, and her round eyes bent up: "You dare to ask me why?"

As Su Su said, he took two steps towards her, Qiao Meng held his left cheek, and stepped back subconsciously with fear in his eyes.

Su Su didn't care, and said in a low voice, "Even my boyfriend dare to mess with it, Qiao Meng, are you tired and crooked? I want God to tell me soon. I promise to give you a happy and decent step. Into heaven."

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