21. Sexy owl God, online sister

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The Jedi survival is very similar to the glory of the king. In the double-row and four-row modes, it is very necessary to rely on the cooperation of teammates. After all, a person is also limited, and it is impossible to really hit a dozen.

Lu Xiao was worried about bringing a rooster to affect his rankings. He deliberately found two trumpets before the start.

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little unrelenting at this moment. Having said that, they have lived for a long time, and this is the first time they have a sister!

{Sexy owl god, online sister! }

{Little sister 's voice is so sweet and soft, but I always feel familiar ...}

{! ! ! I know, she is the soft girl who got lost at the construction site that day! }

{Ah ah ah ah ah! My god, is there a dog outside! ! ! }


Su Su and the landing landed on the ground, according to what the other party had just explained, fingers were not skilled in operating the mouse and keyboard, and followed closely behind the teenager.

After a while, Su Su couldn't help but say, "Classmate Lu, can I do anything for you?"

Lu Xiao jumped into the nearby house with a girl's action, with good luck. There was a 98k and a medical bag in the room. He picked up 98k and motioned to the other side to carry the medical bag.

Before teaching the game, he taught the approximate steps of the Susu game. Although she was not proficient in the operation, she was also quite familiar.

Seeing that the other party picked it up by words, Lu Xiao grinned and said, "Really want to help me?"

Su Su responded softly.

Then I heard the low voice of the teenager: "If someone comes, you will stand in front of me and block the gun for me. After all, my life is more useful than you. By the way, the medical kit is not for you. , If I was injured, you press the middle mouse button and throw me the medical kit. "


The smile on Su Su's lips just stiffened in his face.

Come and see, listen and see! Is that what the fucking mother said? !

The audience fans in the live room have laughed into fools.

{Yes, I am wrong. I would rather believe that the sow will go to the tree than the owl. }

{Suddenly not jealous of this girl, she is afraid that she will collapse now, hahahahaha! ! ! }

{Use a girl to block the gun. Gee, the e-sports circle has always been a male owl! }

{Clearly understand Bai Hong Shixian, cold and cruel my owl! If you can get to the target in this life, I will lose! }

{Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha laughed in the middle of the night, I do n't want to be caught by KFC to make a family bucket! }


Su Su was trembling with anger. She was also a young, beautiful and beautiful female college student. Lu Xiao was too vicious and actually wanted her to be a human flesh back! ! !

When the two of them went out of the room during the talk, a figure suddenly appeared, and the gun pointed at Su Su. Lu Xiao had no time to think about it, and he killed each other with a gun.

A prompt came on the screen.

{Xiaoshen killed liulian with 98k}

A gunshot rang in Su Su's ear, scaring her fingers loose, and when she reacted, the other party became a box.

"Go lick the bag." He said lazily.

{Some people say that they want the little soft girl to block the gun, but the body is very honest and makes people lick the bag. }

{啧啧 啧 ......}

{Today's Owl God's heart is different, false and cunning, he is not worthy of my cloud piercing arrow! ! ! } A small local fan spoke angrily.

Su Su licked his lips subconsciously, and Xing'er eyes looked at each other suspiciously: "What is a licking bag?"

I don't know who invented the word. It sounds awkward to listen to.

The light in the Internet cafes is not very bright, and the dim light lining the girl's facial features is becoming more and more refined, the eyelashes are thick and long, flickering, and the most eye-catching are the bright and clear eyes.

Lu Xiao looked at her, her eyelids jumped like a cramp, and her throat rolled slightly.

When this guy didn't speak, he actually looked like a fairy.

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