02. Baby

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Because she was too far away, Su Su didn't hear what the teenager said, and she took a few steps forward subconsciously.

The teenager was wearing dark blue tooling, probably because it was too hot. The T-shirts were all wet with sweat, and the six abdominal muscles and the mermaid line were exposed to the eyes of everyone.

He is tall, with deep three-dimensional features, and a typical bristle.

From Su Su's point of view, the teenager's side profile is more distinct, the lines are clean and smooth, a little sweat is on his black hair, and the water drops are digging into the T-shirt along the hair tip, the eyelids are lazily pulling, and the whole crowd There was a very lazy taste.

Su Su was also the first boy who saw bricks to move out of the supermodel aura. He was dumbfounded for a while and stood in a daze.

Xu was because her eyes were too hot to reach the point where people could not ignore it. The brick-raising boy raised his eyes and his eyes fell straight.

"Xiaoxiao, I said that you guys are good. At such an old age, you know you will share it with your family. Like the guy in my family, 24 hours a day, except for sleeping and cottage, the rest of the time is spent playing games! "A brick moving uncle said with a sigh.

Lu Xiao turned his gaze back then, picked up five bricks in one hand and put them in the brick-pulling cart, with a serious nonsense: "No, my mom is playing mahjong all day long except for beauty, relying on my father to earn in the office. I ca n't afford to support her with some money. In order to support my mother ... to make a living, I had to come to the construction site to move the bricks. "

The young man's voice was low, the qi sound was long and slow, and his expression was more natural.

Logically speaking, boys and girls at this age have a little excess of self-esteem, but on his face, he can't find the slightest feeling of indifference.

Su Su swallowed, unconsciously rubbed the bank card in his hand, and he looked more energetic for a while.

Because the developer is going to build a luxury school district house, the site area of ​​the construction site is extremely wide. At a glance, except for the sand and the sand is the bricks piled up in the mountains, and Lu Xiao 's mobile phone is very casually supported in the brick joint on the side. With the front camera on, the audience in the live broadcast room can only see rows of bricks.

Like Lu Xiao, he was cold and ruthless.

Because of his careless "baby", the live broadcast room was like hot water, which exploded in an instant!

Many barrages were quickly covered by other barrages at a speed visible to the naked eye before they could be seen. Lu Xiaogang had just opened the live broadcast in less than ten minutes, and the number of people in the live broadcast room had reached one million.

{The owl called me baby! I'm dead, don't stop me! }

{Shen God, your hands are used to eat chicken, I will not allow you to torture yourself on the construction site. }

{Brother, why did you move the bricks and sit in front of the computer and happily watch me give you a gift? Is n't it good? ! }

{Ahhhh! Xiaoshen begs you to show your face, as long as you show your face, don't say a cloud arrow, I will take the cloud arrow for you to play as a firework! ! ! }

Other comments are very interesting: {The above group of women beg you to be sober, the owl is the anchor! The contract signing fee is only available for one year, how can there be no money to pay the tuition fee! }

{Shy God is not donkey me again? }

{Donkey me +1}

{Donkey me + 10086}


Near noon, the construction site was not very busy at this moment, and the workers on the site had already gone for the most part.

Lu Xiao glanced at the content of the live broadcast room and chuckled: "Don't you don't want to donkey, after all, you are all my gold father."

He said it was n't enough. He added his lips and added a sentence: "Do n't you like my bad and frank ... Technical anchor?"

This kind of plain white donkey has fans, and the fans crying and shouting for money can only be seen in Lu Xiao's live broadcast room.

I saw the news of the barrage pause for a moment, then the speed of the brush was faster.

What a real man is so hypocritical, I like my brother like a stubborn clear and bad open man! Others say do n't stop me any of you, today I 'm going to talk to the owl god about the love of the century through the clouds!

The netizen had just finished speaking, and saw a cloud arrow through the cloud from the bottom of the phone, and the entire live broadcast room was blown out.

Lu Xiao was amused by the fans in this group, and a low smile passed into the live room along the receiver.

The sun was shining brightly, and the hot person was breathless. He frowned slightly and took off his coat. His strong abdominal muscles and mermaid line were immediately exposed, and the big sweat of the beans slowly ran down the back.

Lu Xiao opened a bottle of ice water and swallowed his head with a big gulp. Then he felt that he had come back alive.

With a sigh: "Comfortable."

Not to mention the group of fans who just do n't know how to set off fireworks, even Su Su on the side was stunned.

After all, fans can only hear the audio version, and she is watching the live version in HD without codes.

Forgot to say that Su Su is not only a face control, she is also a complete voice control.

The young man in front of him is slender and has abdominal muscles. His handsome voice is unique.

Singing a small song must be awesome!

She held the card buried in the palm of her hand. Whatever it looked, it was more cost-effective for him than for the cheap lady who only knew how to suck blood from her and her father.

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