14. He has an idea for my card

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Lu Xiao brought the live broadcast last night, and it did n't end until three in the morning, so what he said at the door was also fooling. The pure reason is that he overslept and thought to make up for sleep in the class, but was repeatedly Repeatedly noisy and noisy,

When he was awake, he was already out of school, and most of his classmates had left, while his little table was sitting upright.

Xiaotong's table summarized in the regular meeting that her typeface is neither thin nor scribbled, it is very rounded, and it is very full. It looks like a small round grape, which is not very regular, but it is very cute.

Lu Xiao stared at it for a while, licked the back molar, and suddenly laughed.

Su Su really feels that Li Bai's sentence "I hope I won't wake up when I get drunk" is tailor-made for her at the same table. I have seen those who can sleep, but I have never seen anyone who does not wake up from morning to noon, and then another one I thought it was not easy at the same table. After moving the bricks in the morning and coming to class, it seemed that I could n't understand it after sleeping for a while. I was thinking about it, and then I heard him chuckle.

"Lu, classmate Lu, are you awake?" Su Su was a little surprised.

Lu Xiao lanked languidly, when a text message appeared on his phone—

"Dear owl god, you are often less than 72 hours live broadcast this month. If you do not meet 72 hours, you will be deducted this month's salary. Hope you know!"

Today is the end of the month.

Lu Xiao was not afraid of deducting wages from the website. To be honest, he did n't really care about the money, but only annoyed Yu Guang 's mouth. If he knew that he had pigeons on the website again this month, he was afraid to whisper in his ear for days. .

Thinking about this, he had to leave when he got up, but he suddenly caught his arm at the small table.

Lu Xiao paused slightly, looked down at the girl 's fingers, her fingers were slender and white, softly resting on his arm, as soft as cotton candy, people could not help but want to squeeze a hand back, Try to see if the touch is as soft as he imagined.

He frowned, thinking that the girl was too unpretentious, but in view of its soft touch and not offensive, Lu Xiao let her pull his arm, and she couldn't bear to say: "What else?"

From small to large, in addition to Ms. Yang, Lu Xiao was the first person who could still keep hating her under her well-behaved appearance. Good thing. You succeeded in attracting my attention as a teenager.

Su Su 's thoughts were just a moment, with the urge to press the boy hard against the wall, blinking and blinking his eyes, and said a little angrily: "Student Lu, the teacher of the high number just assigned the assignment, saying yes. You wake up and let me tell you ... remember to do your homework. "

Lu Xiao gave a snorted sound and suddenly leaned down. He was tall and tall. This action seemed to bring the girl into his arms, full of aggression and oppression.

He pressed his lips and deliberately smiled a little badly: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who does homework? Mine ... Little fellow?"

Lu Xiao is a ruthless man, but he is usually used to being lazy and dragging his mouth. It is inexplicable to make people feel a little sultry.

Su Su's heart shook violently, only thinking that her little heart seemed to jump with the boy's words in the wind. She looked at the other person's handsome face that suddenly enlarged, but she couldn't speak and blurted out: "Student Lu, can you speak so close to me in the future, otherwise I will think you have changed your mind and have a new idea for my card."

Every big brother on campus has a miserable life experience. The boy in front of him is no exception. Dad does n't use his mother to lose his family. The burden of the family falls on him alone. At a young age, the society has crushed the backbone and wants to take a detour. It is not incomprehensible.

Lu Xiao: "..." really f*cking.

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