62. Who is that man

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Lu Xiao took the girl's expression into her eyes and was slightly silent.

If he was right, did the idiot look disgusted just now?


Lu Xiao's heart was filled with subtle discomfort. Such a stupid thing wandered in front of him every day. It would be nice if he didn't think she was obtrusive.

Su Su knew nothing about the teenager's emotions, wrinkled his nose, and added a shortcoming to his brother in his heart.

Girly Haw.

"What's wrong with me?" she asked irritably.

The last row can be said to be a feng shui treasure. As long as you don't hold the microphone and use the classroom as a ktv, no trouble will cause the teacher's attention. Xu Zhiyang in front of them is lying under the table and turning black. .

Sunshine came in through the glass, the girl's face seemed to be hit with a thin layer of light, her cheeks were very white, her long eyelashes blinked slightly, and her pupils were clean and clear.

Lu Xiao looked down at her, his throat rolled unconsciously.

I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart, and I thought this little guy was too big to be a mother. That kind of pure and pure appearance, no wonder Xu Zhiyang they wanted to help her when they saw her on the first side.

"Nothing, just thinking about whether you have a boyfriend."

After Lu Xiao finished talking, he was happy, and the peach blossom eyes were slightly slanted, and he leisurely turned the pen in his hand, and said like a mockery: "Just like a girl with a poorly developed cerebellum, which boy will look at you."

Su Su: "???

This fuck can bear?

Su Su was on the verge of frying. Her eyes flashed with anger and shame, and her entire face was as colorful as a tabby cat. She took a deep breath and said with a smile, "This is not work." Classmate Lu is worried."

"But... I already have someone I like. He has a gentle personality and is kinder. I can't find anyone more worthy of him in this world."

"I decided to chase him."

The little girl seemed embarrassed. At the end of the talk, a little red glow appeared on her face, and a little girl with an open heart.

Lu Xiao: "..."

The pen clicked and slipped out of the hand.

The warm sunlight was not warm anymore, and the vivid face of the little girl seemed to become hateful.

Lu Xiao stared at her expressionlessly, silent for two seconds before speaking: "Who is that man."

Covering her eyes, the little girl said shyly, "It's an anchor with a very handsome voice and a nice voice."

Generally speaking, people with good voices can't make a difference, so Su Su doesn't seem to have any problems.

Lu Xiao suddenly felt that the little girl is getting more and more infatuated, and she said that she wanted to spend money to raise him not long ago, and it took only a few days to change her goal.

All kinds of emotions are intertwined, and he can't speak for a while in his heart.

Lu Xiao used to pull the corners of his lips habitually, only to realize that no matter how he pulled, he couldn't laugh anymore. He sneered simply: "What do you like is not good? I like the male anchor. Seeing that we have had a relationship that has slept overnight, but Don't blame me for not reminding you, the anchor circle is extremely deep. What you see is all pre-packaged by the agent and the team, which is not the same as their original character."

Xu Zhiyang, who was playing the game, turned around and turned his head in shock, "What did you just say, Xiaoya?"

"Who did you sleep with all night?"

Before Xu Zhiyang only felt that they were a little scornful, but the person was still very upright, but he didn't expect that the other party would be such a person.

Actually, they slept the little fairy behind their backs without saying a word.

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