150. Little Liar.

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Yang Peici was very angry, and because of Su Mutian's presence, she didn't dare to scold him back, so she raised her eyes and looked at him sadly, "Mutian, look at our daughter..."

Su Mutian was uncomfortable listening to this, and frowned, "What's wrong with my daughter?"

Yang Peici squeezed her lips, but still did not dare to say that she was not doing well.

If there is no Su Su, she really has nothing to do with the Su family. The Su family is so rich now, she still has a son to raise, and she absolutely can't stop...

Su Mutian watched her babble for a long time and didn't say anything, so he didn't bother to listen. He approached Su Su and laughed out a big smile: "Su Bo'er, don't be angry. Today, Daddy will celebrate your birthday."

Su Su stubbornly said, "I don't eat her dishes!"

Su Mutian: "..."

Su Mutian is a rough old man, not so delicate, and naturally can't understand the thoughts of a little girl. In his opinion, it is better for someone to make a delicious meal or a ready-made meal, but if his daughter doesn't like it, then don't eat it.

He laughed again and again: "Then dump it and Daddy will do it for you again."

Yang Peici looked at the interaction between the father and daughter, inexplicably uncomfortable.

She is obviously also Su Su's mother, so she seems to be unwelcome garbage...

Su Su's expression eased a bit. Just about to walk in, looking at the obstructive woman in front of her, she suddenly remembered something. He raised her head and asked Su Mutian, "Daddy, did she come to you for money?"

The smile on Su Mutian's face froze suddenly, his eyes drifted, and he said vaguely: "This matter, wait until our birthday is over..."

Su Su's face was pulled down in an instant, and she repeated it again: "Did you give it to her?"

Yang Peici couldn't help but yelled, "What did your father give me..."

"Shut up!" Su Su said coldly.

Su Mutian didn't dare to lie about this kind of thing, and his daughter was so clever, he could tell at a glance that he hadn't lied, swallowed, and said tactfully, "I just gave it... Don't worry, Su Baoer, father is rich , She can't hollow out..."

Su Su heard a fierce fire, and the tight string in his brain broke with a sudden sound.

Although she knew that the purpose of this woman was nothing but to ask for money, she was still irritated by Yang Peici's shamelessness and her father's disagreement.

From the time she moved to City A, she was on guard, but she did not expect to let this woman find her home.

Su Su took a deep breath, still feeling out of breath, and smiled coldly: "Your money is not brought by a strong wind, and she has not reached the point where she lacks arms and legs. I am also yours. Raising up has nothing to do with her for a long time. Why do you want her to suck blood again and again?"

What she said was crackling, and the speed of her speech was too fast. Su Mutian knew her daughter was angry before he could listen, and nodded vigorously, "Su Bao'er is right and right!"

Su Su was so angry that she became unpleasant even looking at this dad in anger. She raised her head and glanced over Yang Peici who was aside, grinding her lips and said, "You should eat this meal with her, I Back to school."

Without waiting for Su Mutian to speak, he opened the door and left.

Su Mutian was in a hurry. He knew that this would happen. He said that he would not put Yang Peici in. He was about to stop him, so he heard his daughter say without looking back: "Don't stop me, daddy, I am now I don't want to see you."

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