117. Holding hands.

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Su Su: "..."

Does this guy misunderstand gentleness and considerateness?

She blinked and asked, "Brother, why do you want to be gentle and considerate?"

The smile on Lu Xiao's lips narrowed.

Just when Su Su thought that the other party would not speak, the young man was watching her eyes and said seriously: "Because, I want to be better for the girl I like."

Su Su: "..."

I really didn't expect that this kind of words was actually said from the mouth of the brick mover.

Su Su's whole body was sour and turned into a little lemon essence.

How come no boys say to her: Su Su, I want to be better for you.

She couldn't help but start searching in her heart. Lu Xiao would like a girl candidate, and she didn't know what kind of fairy went down to the world, and she was able to pry his stone heart. This is too... also too jealous?

Su Su searched for most of the day, but still found nothing, and even the boy who looked in front of him became unpleasant.


On the eve of winter, the department organized a friendship match.

This is organized by the Department of Finance and the Department of Management. Similar basketball activities are not uncommon in universities. The boys are responsible for playing and being handsome, while the girls are focused on shouting and screaming on the court.

Said it is a sorority match, which is still a bit of a doorway.

The main reason for this game was due to the quarrel between the management department captain and the finance department captain. The management department captain felt that the finance department did not play as well as theirs and occupied so many basketball positions in the playground; the finance department captain felt that the management department The group of puppies in the team looked down on the people and did not subdue at all, and the war between the two lines started.

Chen Yu joined the school basketball team some time ago. As a member of the basketball team, he was the first to report for this kind of activity that can win honor for the department.

In order to beat the people in the management department, Chen Yu also reported the names of Lu Xiao and Xu Zhiyang. When their brothers were free, they often joined together to play basketball. He still trusted Lu Xiao's strength very much. of.

Lu Xiao refused at first. He was handsome and mighty enough himself, and had no interest in such boring activities. Then Chen Yu said, "Brother Xiao, do you know which kind of guy girls like best?"

"Which?" Lu Xiao asked subconsciously.

Chen Yu: "Mathematics, physics and chemistry are good, basketball is top-notch."

As he said, he was afraid that the other party would still be unwilling, so he added a fierce prediction: "When we put the management department down this time, are you afraid that sister-in-law will not accept the confession?"

Lu Xiao: "..." I suddenly felt that playing basketball was pretty good.

The night before the friendship match started, Lu Xiao and Su Su called her to go downstairs.

The reason is to invite her to drink milk tea.

The night in early November was very cold. When Su Su came out of the dormitory, she wrapped her small cashmere coat, put on warm pants on her lower body, and a hat on her head. It was good to keep her feet warm when she was young. .

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