109. Handsome and a

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After Shen Jie had undergone such an education, he felt that his soul had been washed, and there was only one thought in his mind.

He can't.

He is not worthy.

He was a man in vain.


Shen Jie consciously saw people without a face, and did not dare to look at Su Su again, almost leaving everyone's sight by crawling.

This buddy is really miserable, and also really handsome and a!

Xu Zhiyang couldn't bear to look straight and covered his eyes.

Master Xiao is really overdoing it, who can stand it!

Su Su, the person involved, was stunned, and looked at the suitor who was driven away by the teenager without waiting for her to speak. His lips twitched.

At this moment, she had a new understanding of Lu Xiao's narcissism.

The corners of Lu Xiao's lips raised, and finally concluded: "He really can't."

After chasing away the male anchor, he killed the bamboo horse. Now the weak man who appeared from nowhere was beaten by him. Lu Xiao really felt that no one in this world was more suitable than him.

More suitable to be Su Su's boyfriend.

He was smug in his heart and felt someone pat his shoulder from behind.

As soon as Lu Xiao turned his head, he saw that the counselor Bao Gong's face showed a kind smile that had never appeared to him, "Tall and handsome classmate Lu, please excuse you, please come to the office with me."

Lu Xiao: "..."

Xu Zhiyang and others next to him were suffocating a lot of laughter, making you pretend to be able to do so, even the counselor can't stand it anymore and ask you for tea!

As Liu Zhendong said, he walked forward with his hands behind his back. He seemed to think of something after two steps, and said to Su Su, "Student Su, you also come with me."

Su Su was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously pulled out an incomparably pure smile: "Okay, Teacher Liu."

Lu Xiao frowned slightly, and Liu Zhendong could still make people understand when he asked him. The little students in his family never make mistakes, so why do they call people an office?

Not only was Lu Xiao puzzled, but even the people next to him were very puzzled. Su Su cast a reassuring look at them, squeezed the oversized mineral water into Lu Yao's arms, and then trot to follow.

As soon as I entered the office, I ran into two acquaintances.

Wang Qianqian, Lin Ka-shing.

The swollen bag on Wang Qianqian's head had not disappeared, and she stared at her ferociously.

Su Su had the taste now, and shook his head slightly.

The school flowers in their school are really unbearable, and they have to sue the teacher for fair exchanges. How is this different from the little ones in the kindergarten?

"Counselor Liu, Su Su and Lu Xiao in your class, and Wang Qianqian, who has only learned good moral character in our class, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will report this to the principal!"

Wang Qianqian's counselor Zhang Damao said angrily.

Yes, it turned out to be genetic.

Liu Zhendong looked at his student with a serious expression: "Is what the cat counselor said is true?"

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