72. Lack of Education.

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The night before the mid-term exam, Lu Xiao went to the Internet cafe all night.

In Xiaoye's life dictionary, there has never been a saying that a true warrior must dare to face the painful duck egg.

University exams are different from high schools. The management system is not so strict, and it all depends on the self-consciousness of the students.

The next day, Su Su followed the roommates to the examination room early. After a while, the students rushed to the classroom one after another as if they had agreed in advance.

"I went to the early morning after reviewing last night, and I couldn't open my sleepy eyes!"

"I'm better than you, I'll do high math problems until two o'clock in the morning!"

"Friend, is your hair okay?"

"Don't ask for full marks, long live 60 minutes!"


The students complained for more than ten minutes, and the invigilator stepped in on the bell, and the classroom suddenly fell into dullness.

Su Su took the paper, glanced at the empty space next to him, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

This guy is so awesome, he even dares to miss the exam. According to his mixed method, whether he can graduate from college at the age of fifty is a problem.

The invigilator looked at the extra set of papers in his hand and frowned, "Any student who doesn't have papers, come to the podium to get them."

His response was the sound of the pen rubbing the paper.

The invigilator frowned even more fiercely. The papers in each examination room were divided by head. Well, why did their class have an extra copy?

As soon as I was about to speak again, I heard someone knocking at the door, and the person said politely and without loss of self-cultivation: "Teacher, sorry, I'm late."

Su Su raised her head and looked out the door. Although she was a bit unkind, she still hoped that the invigilator would give Brother Zhuangzhuan a good deal.

Problematic students like him are just lack of education!

The other students talked in a low voice.

"Student Lu has made progress. I heard from the senior elder sisters that in the past, classmate Lu was directly absent from exams like this kind of unavailable exam."

"Not bad, I was only ten minutes late this time..."

The classmates sighed in a low voice, and the words came into the ears of the invigilator, making his face dark in an instant.

"Are you Lu Xiao, the student who returned to rebuild after hanging up four doors last year?"

In fact, at the beginning, Lu Xiao didn't plan to spend the night before the exam. Who told his cheap grandpa to call him again, saying that if he dares to miss the exam this time, he wouldn't interrupt his legs, so he didn't miss the exam. As if not hitting him.

Student Xiao Lu was a little annoyed, so she went to the Internet cafe to find excitement.

This is too much stimulation, and there seems to be nothing surprising about being late before the exam.

Lu Xiao nodded in response and couldn't help but yawned.

Still a little sleepy.

The invigilator was upset by his attitude, and said angrily, "I don't know about the exam today? Why are you late?!"

Lu Xiao slowly opened his eyes. If he was late, he would be late. Do you need a reason?

Just about to say that, when he raised his eyes, he saw Su Su's staring round eyes, too far away, he couldn't distinguish the emotion in the other's eyes.

You should be worried about him, right?

Thinking about this, Lu Xiao only felt his fatigue swept away, a smile curled up on his lips, and his voice was extremely sincere: "Teacher, after the rework incident, I have deeply realized my mistakes. Yesterday I reviewed my homework until early morning. At three o'clock, we will get up today... late."

"Teacher, please give me another chance to be a man again."

With a sincere attitude and serious expression, no one can help but praise this classmate's consciousness.

When the invigilator heard this, his expression finally eased a lot.

If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, it will not be worse.

I didn't want to delay other students too much time, waved his hand and let him in.

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