39. Is your father missing a leg pendant?

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The box brought by Su Mutian was very heavy. Because she was too heavy, Su Su could not move it.

I didn't want to take it, but listened to Mr. Su Mutiansu's solemn opening: "Good boy, this is the father's love. Look at this box of snacks and skin care products to know how deep the father's love is. This is your poor old age. The old father pulled the tricycle hard, did you have the heart to abandon it?"

The Maserati behind him suddenly became a tricycle, and it silently said nothing.

Su Su: "..."

Dad has talked about this, what else can she hold, even if she can't hold it!

Su Su struggled to pull Bara's box back to the dormitory. When she entered the room, she saw her roommate Qi Qi looking at her.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Su was bluffed with excitement.

Lu Yao looked at the box dragged in by his little roommate, and his expression was complicated: "Is that the man driving the luxury car downstairs just now is Uncle?"

The same father, why the gap is so big.

Not only is the wealth gap, but the energy that spoils her daughter is so frustrating!

Su Su nodded.

Then I heard the always quiet Qiao Meng say weakly: "Crispy, does your father still have leg pendants?"

Su Su: "..."

This group of roommates made her blind.


After spending a whole day in the sun, Lu Xiao was sweating all over. He returned to the dormitory and took a cold shower. Before the clothes were changed, a group of roommates who had enough food and drink pushed in.

"Lying trough! Brother Xiao, your abdominal muscles are too resistant to fight!" Xu Zhiyang looked silly and shouted.

Chen Yu was a little hot-eyed: "Our brother Xiao is a violent object. If this abdominal muscle presses on my stomach, what kind of girl will not soak!"

In front of the group of roommates, the more heated the discussion around his body, and even the fascination of writing a short essay on the spot, Lu Xiao's face instantly became dark.

"The door closes, shut your mouth."

"Dare to say one more word, your legs are broken."

The cold and outrageous voice successfully silenced a boy.

As for whether or not Xiaoye's leg interruption was true, no one dared to try it. After all, this man is so ruthless that the six relatives don't recognize it, no matter whether you are his roommate or younger brother, you can still take photos.

It's really a man.


During the second half of the military training, the students in the class were familiar with Zheng Zeming. During the break, everyone would sit cross-legged and joke from time to time.

"Instructor Zheng, do you have a girlfriend?"

During the break, one of the girls in the class asked boldly, and the other students heard it, and followed each other.

When Zheng Zeming heard this, his smiling face instantly changed: "What do you mean?"

The girl blushed and said, "Teacher Zheng, I like..."

Before finishing the speech, Zheng Zeming was mercilessly interrupted: "Don't like it, it's no result."

Not even the words were finished, Xu Zhiyang poked Lu Xiao's elbow on the side: "See? No, our instructor is a tougher man than you."

Lu Xiao has been running out of water for a few days, his mouth is dry, he unconsciously sharpened his lips, and said lazily: "This is not cruel. Compared with those who clearly don't like it and hangs the girl, Teacher Zheng is already very good. Benevolent"

Xu Zhiyang twitched his lips, that feeling is good, and his confession was rejected, would he still have to say thank you?

"Lu Xiao, I'll wait for you to say thank you!" he mumbled.

The girl seemed to have been knocked over the five-flavored bottle in her heart, and her face changed from red to blue and then to white again.

When the girl next to him saw her, she persuaded her to whisper, and looked at Instructor Zheng's eyes with a bit of blame.

If you don't agree, don't agree, and you must do what you say.

Lu Xiao glanced at the female classmates, and his heart was slightly upset.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to know what the little idiot thought, so thinking of it, he focused on Su Su.

The hat on top of the little girl's head was like a parasol, which just blocked the sun. She was so unobtrusive. When the classmates were sitting, she was just recessed into the top of her head and wanted to see clearly The expression on the other person's face is really not easy.

Lu Xiao didn't give up. He raised his head slightly and continued to visit. I saw the little girl hooked her small head, her eyes closed lightly, her eyelashes like two small fans, long and curled. She really slept well.

Everyone was talking hotly, this guy actually took advantage of this opportunity to secretly take a nap.

Yes, still a heartless girl.

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