51. Glory for the country

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The rain drops dripping outside the window, the light in the living room was yellow, and the atmosphere was dull.

Lu Xiao lost his usual laziness at this time, pursed his lips and shouted in a low voice.

"Dad, Mom."

Father Lu nodded, and Gu Lanyu on the side saw his son, and even his beloved TV series didn't even want to watch it. He said anxiously, "Son, your grandfather is now in the study. While he is in a good mood for a while, go to him Admit it wrong, did you hear it?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Xiao's expression, which had no expression at all, was pale again, "I'm right."

Just after this word came out, a thick and powerful voice came to Lu Xiao's ears.

"Stinky boy, I think you are itchy, what makes you right, is it still Lao Tzu's fault?"

The real Laozi Lu Qingyun twitched his lips, shook the newspaper, and continued reading the news calmly.

Gu Lanyu was shocked, and quickly made a look at Lu Xiao, stinky boy, you are serving softly with your grandfather!

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes, and Quan Dang didn't see each other's eyes.

Seeing this, Gu Lanyu was so angry that he personally taught this Mu Leng son.

Apologizing and not losing two pieces of meat, this kid is really stubborn than Mustang!

Lu Denan walked down the corridor with a cane. Although his temples were slightly white, his appearance was excellent. His eyes were bright and deep, and he looked very impressive.

According to Grandpa Lu's spirit, it would not be a problem to live another three or fifty years.

Lu Xiao looked at it with his voice, and was reprimanded for a little bit of color on his face, and even his expression was more relaxed than before. "Grandpa, I didn't say this, you said it yourself."

"Why are you talking to grandpa?"

Gu Lanyu gave a lesson, and then stood up. He wanted to teach his son how to be a junior according to his head. I never thought that this child would not have been a cub less than one meter five years ago, Gu Lan. Yu stretched out his hand for a long time, stunned that he couldn't reach his son's forehead, and his right hand stayed in the air for a while.

Lu Denan raised his eyebrows high, and said angrily: "What's so good about that circle, you one by one, do you want to jump into the dead?"

The more he talked, the more he knocked hard with a cane, and the floor instantly blew loud and deaf.

"Why is it bad to win glory for the country?" Lu Xiao replied.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the living room became more dull.

Lu Qingyun's hand squeezed the newspaper slightly and almost lowered his eyes almost instantaneously, looking at the scar on his left leg.

The calf scar is very long, winding around the ankle, even after more than ten years, it still leaves a trace that is difficult to fade on the leg.

The comminuted fracture of the left leg, for an athlete, means that his career has come to an end.

Lu Lu was a national first-class long-distance runner. He only returned home to inherit his family after hurting his leg.

Lu Denan froze for a moment, and then he was furious, holding the crutches and hitting hard on Lu Xiao. You are more than one, you are not much, you are a lot, when is your turn to win glory!"

Beating the body, the pain in the heart. Gu Lanyu looked straight in her heart, but she dared not to speak up, or dare to block her son's stick. Her father-in-law represented absolute authority in the Lu family.

Forget it, the son is young, just hit it twice. She's all old. This old arm and old leg can't stand it.

Lu Xiao seemed to feel no pain, not avoiding or shining, but his legs were trembling slightly, proving that he was not an iron man.

Jun Lang's face was slightly pale, and he still stubbornly said: "Grandpa, I'm going to work."

In this matter, there was never room for negotiation. Lu Denan's beard glared, his chest trembling: "You can win glory for the country by playing that broken game all day long? Even if you can fight for Grandpa! Boy, let me tell you again, I will go home to inherit my family business after graduating from college, have you heard?"

Lu Xiao plated his eyes and squeezed his fist slightly.

Under Lu Denan's gaze, his face suddenly eased, his laughter lazy and beating.

"Forget it, grandpa. I'll go back to my construction site and move my bricks."

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