V15 - Chapter 185 Christmas Ball

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--- Washington D.C. ---

Date: April 22nd, 2026

Pina laughs at a joke from the other nations Ambassadors. As she takes a drink from her wine glass, she takes glances around.

She sees dozens of people in high-class clothing, all talking to each other and enjoying themselves. At the end of the large room is a giant pine tree with white decorations and lights all around it. Giant lights above her hand from the ceiling and beautiful clothes everywhere.

She has been at many political and royal parties. She has been to hundreds of these parties in Sadera while growing up.

"So," she says. "You call this a Christmas event?"

"That is correct," Ambassador Alfred Pearson of the United Kingdom says. "It is normally a family gathering; we eat and trade gifts with loved ones."

"I heard that there is a fat man who breaks into people's homes at night around this time of year. Is that correct?" Panache asks, confused by that fact.

"That is correct," Pearson says with a chuckle. "I don't think I heard it described like that before. His name is Santa. He doesn't break into your home; he sneaks in your living room through the chimney and leaves gifts under the tree for the kids. To travel all around the world and deliver to billions of people."

"How is this possible?" she asks. "This Santa guy must be a powerful mage to do all this."

Alfred laughs, "no, no. This is just a story we tell kids to make the event special."

"How do you know that?" she asks. "You thought magic in your world was a lie until the other day with that Soredin woman magically appeared before you people(1). Maybe he is real, and you people didn't realize it."

The French Ambassador Emmanuel Riqueti walks up and nudges Alfred, "you're telling me you don't believe in Santa? That is preposterous."

Alfred blinks as he thinks of his response, "I think I would know if someone breaks into my home. But who knows at this point? If you told me that the sky is green, I might consider it true at this point."

"Then you never were posted in a third world industrial zone," Riqueti says. "The pollution was insane."

"Since you two are here, I have a question that has been bothering me for a while now," Panache says. "Why are your people on Falmart? I find it impressive by the number of countries that have been mobilized and are on Alnus."

Alfred takes a long drink, "that is a complicated question. Every nation has its interests; however, we in the Western world work together. After 9/11, there were over fifty countries in the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan."

Pina could not believe the size of that number. Zorzal new Falmart League, while large, only has a handful of nations who joined it. She knows there are about thirty-five countries currently fighting under the NATO Expeditionary Force.

"Let me provide some context, ladies," Alfred says. "When the Gate first appeared, the world was in shock. It is not every day the United States is attacked, especially by people from another planet. We thought it was 9/11 all over again."

"Unlike last time, we didn't know whom we were fighting," Riqueti says. "One of the main reasons we triggered Article V was because it brought stability to the world population. It was to show that we are still in control."

"The other reason was genuine," Alfred adds. "One of our own was attacked. Article V states that if one NATO member-state is attacked, we all are attacked."

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