V20 - Chapter 230 Welcome back to Legrath

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"Indonesia's head of the Nusantara Capital City Authority, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, has released a statement that the construction of the planned new capital city of Indonesia, Nusantara, would be ahead of schedule thanks to a group of Indonesian witches who revealed themselves to the public three months ago. After the turbulent revelation of the group being opposed by many Indonesian Muslim groups, and after the situation subsided after the government officially recognized and supported the witches' group, they have been collaborating with the Indonesian government on various projects. One of which was in the construction and development sector. Mr. Basuki, who was recently inaugurated in March as the new head of the capital city transition agency, immediately jumped at the offer when the witches group offered to collaborate.

Mr. Basuki stated that by using telekinesis and earth manipulation magic by the Indonesian witches, they managed to tackle various obstacles encountered during the city construction. Such as earth and material hardening, small-scale ground manipulation, plant growth enchantments, and so on. The head of the witches group, Mr. Hendri Widjaya claimed that these magics were used to help the construction of Borobudur temple. Enabling it to withstand multiple earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and ashes that buried it until its rediscovery centuries later. Mr. Basuki stated that with all of these earth magics, telekinesis and witches at their disposal, he estimated that the construction of the new capital city would be finished within ten years maximum from the start of the construction; five years sooner than the previous estimate.

In light of this, private investments for the capital city project have skyrocketed. Various countries have also stated their interest to acquire these magical enchantment technologies. Such as Brazil, the Netherlands, the United States, Egypt, and Russia. Experts speculated that Brazil, Egypt, and Russia would utilize the magic knowledge for their Brasília expansion and development project, New Cairo City project, and Trans Siberia road network, respectively. Some sources also reported that North Korea is also interested in Indonesia's magic knowledge, stating that they wish to utilize the plant growth enchantment to solve the food issue that has been plaguing the country for decades.

Indonesia, being one of few countries to maintain cordial relations with North Korea, has had talks with the North Korean government about the possible knowledge trade through each other's embassies. But the spokesperson from Indonesia's Ministry of Trade stated that as of now, North Korea's request has been put on hold with other nations to wait until the knowledge transfer procedure and regulation has been finalized. However, the spokesperson has emphasized that North Korea 'Has an equal chance to receive the knowledge as the other nations'. Meanwhile, the United States, when they were asked regarding this trade, despite concerns from many experts, has stated that they will support this trade as part of the sanction easing after Kim Jong Un's eagerness to accept more peace talks post-2020(8). White House spokesperson stated that they hope that this will be the beginning for a more solid peace in the region in the future." - Timcast


--- Fort Legrath, Elies Region ---

Date: August 1st, 2026

"Fortress ATC, this is Raven 2-1. Flight of three CV-22s, approaching Fortress from the east at Angels 5, twelve clicks out. Requesting permission to land. Over"

"Raven 2-1, Fortress ATC. Roger that, we've been expecting you. You are cleared to land on the helipads by the main command wing. Over."

"Roger that, touching down on the helipads by the main command wing. Thanks, Fortress. Raven 2-1, out."

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