V21 - Chapter 243 The Chamber

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--- Sadera, Alcatraz Region ---

Date: August 10th, 2026

"My God," President Emily Potts blurted out as she watched over the city post-battle from the borrowed CV-22. The helicopter identified as Marine One was circling the capital city of The Empire to get a good view of the situation.

"Camp Akusho, this is Marine One. Approaching Sadera, 5 miles out. Over."

"Solid copy, Marine One. You are cleared to land on Helipad Three. The ground crew and escort contingent are standing by. Over."

"Solid copy, Akusho. Marine One on final approach. Out."

After the battle against Valker, NATO established a Forward Operating Base in the district of Akusho, where the CIA held a section of the city before being driven out by the Oprichnina. Before the final evacuation, the CIA burnt the district to the ground in one last.

The once-destroyed district now looked like a paradise compared to the rest of the city. The sections to the northern, southern, western, and royal districts had been leveled by either artillery, airstrikes, magical, or simply brute force.

As the President gazed at the city, while she felt bad for the losses of her people and angry for the unforeseen events by Darlko, there was no emotion for the destruction of the city. While she never could say it in public, a city for a city. The only concern she had was if the cost of life was worth it.

As the Osprey steadily decreased their altitude to land, President Emily Potts could see the ground even clearer, and what was littering the streets below. While serving in Afghanistan it was common to see body parts from IEDs and mortar rounds. While many times the dead were fellow Americans or NATO soldiers, most of the time it was civilians who were just going on with their daily lives.

However, Potts never saw anything like this outside of what happened in Philadelphia.

Below, she saw countless bodies that were littering the streets. Many, if not all of them, were mangled beyond any recognition. Similar to the reports of those infected with the Arrun Virus.

According to Frayen after witnessing how Valker used the demon head, the outbreak was a result of demon blood which animals drank. Over time the virus spread until an outbreak occurred. A secondary outbreak has become a key concern with hundreds if not thousands of demon corpses scattered all over the city. Every corpse they found was gathered next to several large fire pits spread around the city, waiting to be burned by Rondel mages. According to the reports from Vanguard-7, Rondel mages know best how to deal with Necromancy magic and it was decided to let the experts handle it.

Just as many as the 'human' bodies littering the street, Potts also saw countless bodies of creatures that she had only seen in pictures. The bodies of 'Demons', as the American troops nicknamed them. Also littering the streets and the rooftops were ghouls and gargoyles as the natives called them.

"Marine One, touching down. Opening ramp door. Engines, shut down."

"Madam President, this way ma'am."

President Potts stood from her seat and carefully followed the crew chief off the rear ramp. Despite the city now under NATO and Republican control, one cannot be too careful, especially concerning the president.

Right after she walked out of the Osprey, the first thing she noticed was the horrible smell hovering over the streets. It took a moment to get used to the smell, after being given a cloth, she saw the place that was once Akusho district now repurposed as a Helipad and basecamp for NATO and Republican troops. Just beyond the base soldiers and civilians cleaned up the city from the rubble and deceased bodies.

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