Public Announcement

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Hello everyone, this is Falcon and I have some big goods. This has been a position I have been debating on for a while and the last few days the reality of the situation hit me hard with it like a train. I have decided to begin wrapping up WotWs, which I will explain below.

I have stated many times I have more original content and post war content, which I still do. But, this is the problem I have ran into. I have all this content I want to do but the problem is that Gate: WotWs is a fan fiction. No matter what I do, no matter what I change, no mater how much effort I put into WotW's, it will always be a fan fiction. While there is nothing wrong with a fan fiction, I see I am hitting a crossroads on how far I want to invest into a fan fiction. Once the War with the Empire is over, I had all these plans going far into the future. But, even at 98% original work, the heat, core of WotW is a fan fiction and I have to obey the legal restrictions. The million-dollar question is, how much original content do I want to invest into a fan fiction?

When I started WotW I always planning o the long haul. I came a long way, I have seen, learned, and experienced a lot. The true is I have outgrown the Gate story and now it is limiting me. I am looking at it as five years from now, still working on a Gate Fan Fiction that no matter how much work I put into it, it will always be a Fan Fiction because I use characters, locations, and some story elements. I am trapped and I cannot get out. I talked to about a dozen fan on the matter and we all ended up agree this is the only way to move forward.

I know this sounds upsetting, but it won't be. First, I will be ending WotW and give it a proper ending that it deserves so I will be finishing it (I will still be doing the Navy Arc as promised). Next, I will be reboot my book and continue the journey of Sharpe/Selina in a brand new adventure. A pure original book. Now, with all the post war content I had planned, most of it will be rolled into this new work. I won't go into details of what this new work will be yet, but I already figured out some of the characters and premise.

This is a big change, two amazing years working on WotW but to get the story that is needed I have to draw a line somewhere. So, I am going to do this and I am going to finish WotW and begin working on this new adventure that I can call my own. Thank you all for the support, this has been a amazing ride. Thank you.

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