V22 - Chapter 263 Epilogue pt 2

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--- Sadera ---

Date: April 22nd, 2028

Watching the Valor helicopter leave the helipad arms of the Republican Army headquarters, the other one began to land. Legionaries, CIA agents, and Military Police gather to extract the prisoners that were collected at the forest outpost. It was another good operation with no causalities.

Watching the transfer of the prisoners. It was a surprisingly large batch. The Oprichnina and Haryo Tribe have been a hard group to capture so Sharpe hoped this would result in something of value.

"Finally, we are back," Marly said. "I am ready to take a shower."

"Not yet," Rory said. "We have to report in."

"But.... Shower...," Marly slowly replied.

"Job comes before pleasure," Sharpe said.

"Nice catch."

Hearing the Empress of the Republic voice, Sharpe said, "Fancy seeing you here."

"It is a big day," Pina said as he watched the tranquilized pigmen be transported away. "We have to be getting close to the end of the Oprichnina and Haryo."

"We have to be," Andrew said. "We have been hammering them hard recently."

"I take it you want to debrief now?" Sharpe asked.

"Of course," Pina said. "And Yang wanted to plan the next phase."

"Alright. Andrew, get the men taken care of."

The two left the helipad and headed inside. The modernization of the Republican Army was beginning. It was decided to focus on communication and logistics first before changing the style of warfare as that would take longer. Some specialized units like the Rose Knights had been given modern rifles to help maintain the peace and joint operations. However, the hope is that within two decades they will meet NATO standards.

That applied to the rest of society. The capital city of Sadera and Rondel was still going through heavy reconstruction after the battle with Valker/Zufmuut. While everything was still being repaired, other modernization programs had started. Such as bringing electricity to the city and an airport next to many of the key cities.

"How are the brats?" Sharpe asked.

"Good," Pina replied with a exhausting but happy smile. Since the wedding and taking the throne, the two so far had one son. "Domestic life has proven harder than I expected."

"Yup," Sharpe said. "A lot of little sleep."

"Tell me about that. On top of running a nation."

"Could always quiet and live in the woods."

"Only if I can bring my mattress. I like my comfy bed."

As the two laugh, Sharpe looked down the hall. "Yeah, but the kids are worth it. Beefeater mentioned that you guys want another?"

"At least three," Pina said. "I hope we can cut out the family betrayal storyline."

"Good luck with that." With a short pause in the conversation as the two walked down the hallway, Sharpe asked as he noticed a tech team installing wiring. "Are people embracing this stuff?"

"A little," Pina said. "It will take time but it will work. I think people are just happy that peace has returned. I will say though, the Merchants like the Internet Markets."

"Saw that coming. Who wouldn't like the ability to sell your goods at a moment notice anywhere?"

"Yeah, but the problem is getting those goods to the seller. That has proven to be the next challenge."

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