V21 - Chapter 244 The Divine Truth

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---Somewhere Northwest of Saderan Capital ---

Date: August 10th, 2026

For centuries, Taylin committed his life to bringing order to Falmart. Just like Idos, hovering above the dark sky.

For the longest time, he thought that he understood the world. Half of the world wished to be civilized, and the other half wanted to be barbarians. Without order, slaughter and chaos would rule the day. All the innocents would be rotting in the dirt while the barbarians celebrated.

After creating the Empire, Taylin truly believed that things were getting better. His alliance with Rory, forged a powerful alliance between the God of War and the Cosmos. Strong and enduring. Nothing could stop them.

But then the Other Worlders arrived.

In the beginning, Taylin thought they were just another new enemy like all the others. Realizing how dangerous they were, he knew he must do everything in his power to protect his and Rory's creation and save Falmart, or everything they built would be reversed back into a dark age.

Discovering that she sided with these monstrous Other Worlders was devastating. He could not understand how Rory could side against her own people. Especially siding and even falling in love with a mortal.

Suddenly hearing screams echoing through the forest, Taylin could tell that a village was in danger. A sound that he is too familiar with.

Rushing through the night, he stopped at a clearing in the forest and found a small village. The few buildings are set ablaze as barbarians raided the village.

Reaching the first hut, Taylin heard a terrified woman's scream. Looking around the corner, he saw a neko lying dead in a pool of her own blood.

Hearing sounds from the center of the village, Taylin quickly moved along the houses' alleyways. On the dirt street, there was a large group of minotaur's and volraden's. With them are three female nekos, while they watched males be forced to fight against each other to the death.

Stepping out from cover, Taylin walked toward the group. The volradens heard him coming and the group turned to face him, spears at the ready.

"What is this?" The Minotaur leader asked. "You missed one."

Two warriors from the group approached. Before they would attack, they were sliced in half with no effort. Their bodies fell onto the mud as Taylin walked past them.

At first, he saw confusion in these barbarians' eyes before they realized what they were dealing with. Some started to panic as they knew there was no escape while others prepared to fight. The ones who were not trapped in fear charged and were sliced in two with ease. The ones who were frozen did not face any mercy.

Seeing the corpse of the barbarians, Taylin approached the last Minotaur who sat on the ground. The Apostle only saw fear as the mighty male pissed himself as he backed away, begging for his life, and apologizing for his sins.

Ignoring the pleas, he sliced the Minotaur's head with one swing. When the head fell into the mud, the blood mixed with the muddy brown puddle. Besides feeling pleasure from removing scum from this world all he could feel was rage. This being the fifth village that he had to save or take revenge after leaving Sadera.

This was not an issue before the war as the Imperial Army once protected these lands but no more. The Other Worlders then arrived and started a war for control of Falmart. Everything they have done has only brought devastation for everyone who were once subjects of the Empire, and he doubts that they even know. All the suffering is because of the Other Worlders however, he still couldn't understand why Rory would join such a faction who cared so little for the daily lives of the people.

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