V-21 Chapter 241 Operation Mjolnir

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"This is Anvil 6 to all Anvil and Raindancer elements; Be advised, all Vanguard units have taken off from the FOB. The mission is a go. I say again, the mission is a go. All tanks and artillery proceed to Objective Alter and rendezvous with Hunter. Immediately provide support for them when we get there. Remember, we must cause the mother of a ruckus to lure as many Imps away from the castle. Advance and engage any enemies you see. We are weapons free, Over."

"Anvil 6, this is Anvil 2-1. Roger that. Interrogative, what's our ROE in the AO? Over."

"Anvil 6 to 2-1, ISTAR has triple-checked that our AO all the way to the castle is devoid of any civvies. It was practically empty before, and all it took for the stubbornness to finally get out of dodge was the news of our tanks on the horizon with a couple of surgical airstrikes, so any civilians left are currently huddled at the other side of Sadera trying to flee. So, any infantry you see not bearing any allied units' markings is fair game. Over."

"Hell yeah! Finally, I get to drop some 'Steel Rain' on Sadera!"

"That's affirmative, Raindancer 1-3. Now shut your chatter and get your head in the game! And that goes for all of you! We do this right, and we end this war. Right here, right now. Lock and load, it's game time!"


--- Final approach to Sadera, Alcatraz Region ---

Date: August 7th, 2026

With a sudden strong wind impacting the Blackhawk, Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe had to grab the handle to balance himself from the turbulence. This gave him a good view of the helicopter window. All around were the 160th Night Stalkers transporting other Vanguard Rangers into battle; ready to storm the enemy capital city of Sadera. As part of the first wave, their goal was to establish a beachhead and secure strategic points at the Royal District for the second wave to arrive. After, Empress Pina Co Lada and the second wave, would launch a full-scale assault against the throne room to either capture or eliminate the leadership of the League.

With the completion of the highway through the Dumas Mountains and the total annihilation of the last remaining League force in the mountain range, along with the death of General Hasulo, there was nothing left the Falmart League could do to stop NATO armor and mechanized forces. Securing the other side of the mountain range was swift. The issue before was not that NATO couldn't attack the cities east of Dumas but hold them. Without a land route to supply and provide armored support, any assault force would struggle to hold long-term from any counterattack and insurgencies. Early in the war, the US gained full control of the terms of engagement as it was deemed not willing to put itself in a disadvantageous position when they could be far more aggressive and inflict more damage against the Empire elsewhere. Not until the full weight could be brought onto the city.

After taking the city of Daduale, an Air Assault focused FOB was quickly established to allow the 101st and 75th Rangers to strike the attacks against the city without needing an inflight refuel like was needed the previous times. Twelve helicopters headed directly for the Royal District.

"I wonder what will happen after this?" Rory mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Sharpe asked.

"I mean..., I am going to miss going on all these adventures," Rory said. "Meeting you guys at that forest was the best thing that has happened to me in centuries, it has been so much fun."

"Say for yourself," Alicia said. "Since we met Rory, we have all been in more near-death situations, even a cat would lose all their nine lives." Hearing her joke, her fellow Rangers chuckled throughout the Blackhawk.

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