V16 - Chapter 191 The Great Fire of Sadera

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--- Diabo's palace, Noble District ---

Date: May 5th, 2026

"Please spare my life, please," Diabo said as he begs for his life. "I will tell you anything you want to know! Yes, I was working for the CIA and MI6 as a mole." He confesses as he is brutally tortured by the Oprichnina in his home. His face is slashed and both his hands have been stabbed.

"Give up already," Moon states, enjoying seeing a Crown Prince coward like this. "You are such a weak-willed prince. Locking himself with those scrolls without experiencing the world."

Moon plan has been going as expected. Purging all the traitors and pro-peace nobility from the Empire. This will unify the political elite so all energy can be focused against NATO.Unifty by purging the weak brings victory.

"You might be smart, but you don't know how the real world works," Moon states. "All you know how to do is talk, never taking action." He points to himself. "I keep the Empire together. I am out there daily doing my duty. I don't fight from a chamber or form your study room. No wonder the CIA and MI6 easily make you their rat. You are too trusting of them to get you the throne that the traitor Molt promised you." He then punches Diabo in the stomach again.

Diabo coughs up blood, moaning from the pain. Being a Prince, he never experienced physical pain before. "What do you mean?"

For a smart man, Moon finds it fascinating how dumb Diabo can be. For the longest time he was scared of the prince intellect, believing he would have used it to claim the throne. He sees that he was wrong now and how the mighty has fallen.

Moon shakes his head. "NATO will never let you sit on that throne, because they want the traitor Pina. They can use her as a pawn to control the Empire from the shadows. You are just an expendable pawn for both NATO and Pina in the end." He then laughs.

"How could they?" Diabo screams. "They promised me the throne if I helped. My brother will drive this Empire to the ground and I only can save it. They said they agreed with me."

"Well, there is one way for you to escape the fate of meeting Hardy in a gruesome manner," Moon explains. "Give me the location of both CIA and MI6 so we can purge the bastards. I will give you one more chance to tell me, lest you meet the same fate as your traitorous father."

Diabo begins to try from the pain. "Ok, I will tell you!" He takes a breath. "The CIA and MI6 are holding up in a warehouse in Akusho. They took it from the Crime Lords and both sides are working together there, using the people to hide themselves."

Before the Raid of Sadera, CIA helped Marines occupy Crime Lord warehouses as a staging area.

"Tsk. Of course those criminal bastards would betray the crown. They never had loyalty to the crown. No matter, I will make sure their corpses hang from the battlements of Sadera," Moon states.

"You will lead us to them!!" Moon looks at Diabo.

"If I do this, will you spare my life?" Diabo states.

"Normally yes, but there is an additional price," Moon cackles as he draws his sword, slicing off Diablo's left hand.

"That was for Faro!" Moon states as he looks at the corpse of his loyal spy fairy who has his spine broken by Diabo earlier.

--- Sadera, Akusho District ---

"So, this is the nest of their spying operation," Moon said as he looks at the warehouse with a huge contingent of Oprichnina and Legionnaires.

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