V22 - Chapter 265 Epilogue pt 4

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--- Sadera, Royal Palace ---

Date: December 25th, 2028

Seeing the glow coming from the city blocks, the electric lights were glowing green and red besides the standard white. Rows of shimmering lights and decorations could be seen all down the main roads. Snow blanketing the city gave a picturesque sight of a magical wonderland. The center of the city had a brightly lit, massive tree with a star, enchanted with light magic that outshine anything else. Crowds at the marketplace sang songs. Some important government buildings that have electricity were laced with lights with the same two colors with a jolly, overweight-looking individual standing on top, holding a large red sack waved down below.

Pina Co Lada looked out from her balcony, taking a deep breath of joy as she looked out at her beautiful city. Two years from the battle when her army and allies took the city from her out of control brother, Zorzal. The price of his desire to remain on the throne could still be seen everywhere. Reading upon the aftermath of World War Two she learned that thirty-years later many cities still had scars from that war, and she saw a similar time length.

Hearing noises from below, Pina looked down and saw a group of nekos playing with some of the decorations. Two guards appeared and had them knock it off before they ruined the setting. She couldn't help but chuckle from the site.

"I see your happy that the event worked out."

Hearing her husband's voice, she turned and saw O'iloiat. "Yes, I am."

He walked over and leaned on the railing. "I am surprised people accepted the holiday so well."

"Not everyone," Pina replied, and she looked out. "There are still people who think it's a cultural invasion."

"Who cares."

"True. Personally, I just think people are ready for something positive. The war ended but reconstruction and modernization has not been easy."

"It too shall pass," O'iloiat said as he wrapped his arm around his wife. "We are alive. The Oprichnina and the Haryo Tribe are gone. The people's lives are getting better, and we are at peace. What more can we ask for?"

While Pina agreed with everything her Emperor said, there was one thing he missed. She glanced over and said, "I do not know. Maybe some ice cream?"

She watched as O'iloiat looked over with a baffled look and then smiled. "Sure thing. The sooner you make it back the sooner we can have some."

Rolling her eyes, she lightly slapped him on the arm before rubbing her head onto his shoulder.

Looking back into the city, seeing the glowing red and green lights. While only a few places had electricity, she can see the future coming. Hopefully one day, every home will have such power and prosperity.

Since taking control of the city, Pina knew she needed to bring back morale throughout the city. After a trip to Philadelphia in June and seeing Christmas decorations already set up at the stores, she got the idea to bring the holiday to the Republic. A holiday about family, spirituality, gift giving, and more importantly, coming together. She saw it as the perfect opportunity to help shed off the dead weight from the war.

This being the first year of implementing the holiday in Sadera, she hoped it would help turn the page from the past and bring the future to the people. That better days are ahead.

Hearing a loud thump and then her eldest brother making a commotion, Pina took a deep breath and said, "I guess it is time to go back in."

She felt a kiss on her forehead and the two headed inside.

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