V18 - Chapter 216 Marais

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"Yesterday, ten people were hospitalized from concussion and broken bones injuries during a scuffle with a witch in central park. Eyewitnesses have stated that the mage identified as Adola Smith used her magic to violently throw the ten people. She claimed it was in self-defense after they pulled knives and pistols on her and yelled hate speeches. This incident marks the 20th incident involving violence against mages in the US in recent months after a Voodoo gathering hall in New Orleans being set on fire by arsonists from an anti-magic hate group.

Some experts believe this was a reaction after it was discovered a Witch possessed a woman to commit a murder. The Wiccan North American Coven Council discovered the act and arrested the Witch. Once subdued, they properly handed over the criminal Witch to the FBI. This situation has led to many police departments reopening old cases; one believed to be unsolvable or past acts that seemed not to fit the case are being re-examined to see if outside forces forced people to commit criminal acts against their wills.

Despite the positive rise in tolerance toward mages in many countries, the intolerance toward the magical community is also intensified. The most horrific one is the torture and beheading of a witch doctor in Nigeria after a lynch mob falsely accused him of cursing a young boy who suffered from seizure, leading to mass arrests. In many developed countries, mages are suffering from discriminations both in workplaces and schools.

Many influential witches and wizards in many covens are calling the authorities to do more to ensure their safety and educate the public so as to not repeat the past hate crimes during the Witch Hunts. Furthermore, they also emphasize their roles in dealing with the supernatural threats by emphasizing the live exorcism in the past month to remind the public that mages are vital members of society, which lead to huge support from the public" - Timcast


--- Fort Minick, VRTF-2 Command Center ---

Date: June 15th, 2026

Sarah leaned back into her chair as she monitored her staff. It is a busy day as all three Vanguard teams are engaged in three different theaters. As she watched, she took some medicine to help with the morning sickness she has been suffering in recent weeks.

Looking at First Lieutenant April Elliott station, Sarah watched Vanguard-2 assisting the Turkish Infantry in mopping up Vampire Knights and goblins. From the reports, that campaign has been a bloody one. The early days of Shock and awe have ended as they are forced to attack regions that benefit the enemy and are easily defendable. However, cracks in the enemy defensive strategy are beginning to open, it's just a matter of time until the nutshell is broken, so General Stanford said.

Vampires, that was a new enemy to fight. Current reports show them to be highly civilized, which explains why they are loyal to the Empire.

An academic report came out stating that major population centers lean towards the Empire and are willing to fight for their place in the Imperial order. The rural areas are less loyal to the Imperial order, only using it to trade with. A two-class system.

It explained when NATO took over a region why so many of the locals supported them. However, what Sarah found interesting is that the reported stated loyalty among the rural population is purly economic in nature, just like it was with the Empire. As long as people can thrive, they do not care about who flag they are selling to.

"Sad, I was really hoping for the hot, romantic type of Vampires. Why is it that we have to bomb everyone until they give up."

"Stubbornness, I believe," Warrant Officer-1 Shandy Gaff Marea responds. She looks at Sarah a little confused and asks further. "What did you mean by that?"

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