V16 - Chapter 198 Prisoners

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"US Marines achieved a surprise attack on Acvaium Island, a significant island on Acvaium Lake. Up to this point, the island and lake was considered a low priority because only a fishing tribe of Mermaids settled on the island. NATO was given a tip from the Count of Etalpolis Ideoan that the Empire was setting up a staging area on the island to outflank NATO's northern flank.

The assault happened during the night and was over within forty-five minutes. The Marine Major who led the operation reported that there were no Marine casualties and that they caught the Empire entirely by surprise.

NATO is now planning to use the island as a staging for their assault on the Elidmor Ruins. The Empire has been digging into the area, using the ruins complex network scattered over dozens of kilometers. Eldmor was once believed to be a megacity, being the size of a medium size city but was destroyed during the Dark Ages.

Thanks to Count Ideoan information, NATO is now planning on using this island to launch raids into the area.

However, the war front in Elies was not all lucky as the Empire did conduct a sneak attack on Mummoouto on May 21st. Two hundred  Legionnaires assaulted the town taking it by surprise. Most of the city was evacuated, and long-range support artillery from Legrath allowed for a withdrawal from the city; however, thirty-five civilians with four US soldiers died and seven wounded from the battle.

Based on field reports, Imperial Forces used bat-people to navigate the night to conduct the sneak attack. As the war continues, the League has been using many abilities each race has to help offset the NATO technology advantages, even if it forces natives into the Army.

A counterattack force is being organized as the Empire entrenches themselves on the Path of Hadritus, destroying the two bridges on the path. The enemy force came from the Ligas Mountains, using Goblin tunnels to outflank Turkish forces fifteen kilometers south of Mummoouto. Since the League took Mummoouto, aerial surveillance believes the League has increased its troops in this area.

The Empire seems to be making a stand around Mummoouto; this operation's intent is still unclear. US and British F-35Bs from Legrath have begun airstrikes as forces are redirected to retake the town and surrounding areas."- SCNR


--- Alnus Community ---

Date: May 26th, 2026

Pina takes a long drink of an ice matcha latte. While she prefers the herb tea from Sadera, she found this to be a good and even superior substitute. She has learned to like Earth food and drinks, especially goods with lots of flavors. Food and beverages for Earth's poor taste better than most of the high-quality food and drinks royalty and nobles eat as much like Earth ever-growing technology and constant civilization development, food recipes and food-making technology and methods have been improved, innovated, perfected, or even hybridized from different cultures for centuries back on Earth.

Ambassador Willington asked Pina to show the pro-peace Senators around the military base and town. He wanted the Senators to get out and about, fresh air, and see the sights. That they went through a horrible experience and getting to know the town should help them feel at ease.

Everything Willington told Pina was a lie and she knew it. It took her a while to figure out the Ambassador speech, but she broke it. He speaks exceptionally smoothly and plainly. Everyone always feels at ease and comfortable when he speaks. Never feeling threatened or challenged. However, his words always have a secret agenda. She learned this on Earth with the Adventurers(1).

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