V14 - Chapter 171 Dark Magic

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"The Ministry of Economics, Guild, and Trade, Praetor Flavius Del Amandus, has reported an economic downturn. Tribunes from the Farming, Mercantile and Slave Guilds have reported a decline in both growth and revenue.

Tribune Potitus Fla Triferus of the Farming Guild has reported that since the Empire lost the Greater Elies Region to the Other Worlder savages, the Empire has entered a food shortage, forced to tap into its reserves to feed the army. He has stated the remaining crop lands must triple production to replace the losses. The Farming Guild is the largest source of revenue for the treasury.

Tribune Lucius Co Titiedius Celatus of the Mercantile Guild has reported that profits had been cut in half ever since the loss of Italica and Valtris to the Other Worlders. Traders have struggled to maintain their supply lines since the Empire was effectively cut into two. Lucius has stated that his priority is to turn Bellnahgo and Knappnai into a new trade route to restabilize the economy.

Lucius has also prioritized relocating many mines away from the heart of the Empire where most of the fighting at and relocating them away from the heart of Falamrt. Many of the relocations are going to the Mountain Range of Ice and Snow, the western mounts by Edras and the southeast between the eastern Swestual Kingdom and south of the Avion Sea. The main Salt Mines along the Blue Sea coast have been consistently harassed by the Elbean Army and NATO aeroplanes.

However, the five Dwarf vassal Kingdoms have increased metal production with the main producer Golrash. The Imperial Army requested its largest order of swords and armor since the thirty-year war against the Dark Races.

The formation of the Falmart League has helped offset the damages of the war as trade with the Ticaret Conglomerate. Since the formation of the alliance, trade restrictions and hostility has been lessened, allowing both the Empire and Ticaret to trade more freely, bringing a small, albeit greatly needed boost to the Imperial economy.

As the war economy continues, a major issue that has been impeding progress has been the inflation of the cost of slaves. Tribune Gnaeus Hob Pilatus of the Slave Guild has struggled to meet the new demand for slaves as both farmers, merchants and miners need more labor to meet production quotas. The Guild says they were promised by ex-Emperor Molt to receive twenty thousands new slaves in the invasion of Earth, however, only a handful were ever received. Furthermore, mass escape of slaves has become more common than ever. Any escaped slave that has been recaptured please hand them over to the Slave Guild or the Adventurers Guild for processing. Any slave that escaped will either be sent to the frontlines or be sent to the mines

The slave economy has always been a critical industry for the Imperial labor market, especially now as the Empire has placed a mass conscription from each citizen and freehouse. Gnaeus has changed a policy that anyone who volunteers for slave work will be automatically freed in five years with all debts forgiven, depending on debt size.

As of now, the Imperial economy is in limbo as it rebalances and recovers from last year's devastating losses against the savage enemy beyond the GATE that threatens the entirety of civilized culture and society. While some areas of the economy are growing thanks to the war, others are struggling to rebuild." - Ministry of Propaganda


--- Malo Plains, east of the Blue Sea coast ---

March 30th, 2026

Delilah sees a Skeleton Warrior in front of her. She smirks as her blood boils with lust to kill.

She blocks the skeleton's sword with one of her short swords and slices her opponent with the other short sword, hitting its arm and torso joints.

The body of the skeleton falls apart, disarming it. She kicks a skeleton warrior using her Bunny strength, utterly shattering the skeleton.

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