V17 - Chapter 205 Political Winds

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"After the successful Second Raid on Sadera, rescuing many key allies and defectors from the Empire, many of the Senators and persons of interests were invited to Washington D.C. to be debriefed and answer questions.

Unlike the last major hearing, which was pushed by the White House, Congress is taking the lead in these hearings. Senate Majority Leader Thomas Evans and Speaker of the House Lawson Roman will be holding hearings with many rebel leaders. Their stated objective is to learn more of the Empire and the Imperial system's inner workings and discover why so many nations continue to support the Empire and the Falmart League.

There has been an extensive discussion among the NATO nations and Capitol Hill about another endless war scenario. After the approval to move troop totals from two hundred fifty thousand to three hundred thousand soldiers to help maintain the current occupation and prepare for the following stages of offensive operations. For example, at the height of the Afghanistan War, there were one hundred and ten thousand Coalitional forces, Afghanistan representing about 2/3s of the currently occupied territory on Falmart.

The emerging fear is how much territory NATO forces will have to take before forcing the League to surrender. According to Princess Piña Co Lada, while Sadera is the heart of the Empire, other locations are considered the head, the arms, and legs, using the human body as an example. That her brother will drain the Empire and Falmart as a whole dry before surrendering.

An emerging leader within the Imperial Resistance is Senator Casel El Tiberius and Prince Diabo El Caesar. Reports state that Tiberius believes in the older values of the Empire during a time when the Empire was a Republic and more moderate with the Imperial Hierarchy. In a quick interview at the Gate, Tiberius said that he supported Princess Pina's revolutionary efforts and hopes to learn about Earth culture, especially regarding the federal system.

With Prince Diabo El Caesar, he stated he is interested in learning more about the British and Japanese constitutional monarchy systems with a legislative branch and a Monarchy. There are reports that Diabo was working with the CIA and lost his hand during the 2nd Raid after refusing to give up CIA and MI6 operations.

Outside the White House and Capitol building were protestors. Thousands came, all protesting for many different reasons. Many were protesting the delegation for starting the war and enslaving American and other nations citizens. Many were protesting the act of war in general while others were protesting the idea of integrating or tolerating the many humanoid species on Falmart.

From recent polls the majority of Americans believe they must help the natives who are being oppressed and welcome the addition. However, what that means is different depending on who you ask. Some see the benefit of including some natives into the general population (through legal means) others just want to help as long as they are not in their community." - Timcast IRL


--- Rondel Academic Council, Rondel ---

Date: June 5th, 2026

A week prior to Vanguard-7's journey towards Rondel.

Cato El Altestan listens to the Imperial Legatus, Quali-gin Opoctia. It is the usual talk about Imperial superiority talking points.

"Let me remind all you great noblemen and Mage Grand Masters that we have been your protectors for over five hundred years," Opoctia said. "We have spilled our blood protecting you from the hordes, from the Ticaret, from all threats. We granted you Crown Jewel status within the Empire, allowing you to act freely for your research and discovery projects."

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