V22 - Chapter 256 Hell Break Loose

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--- City of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 26th, 2026

Noticing that the sound of clashing Apostles vanished, Sharpe got worried that the battle was lost. He couldn't get ahold of Rory from the radio and no answer from the other Apostles responded.

"No need to worry, Jackson," Lelei said. "Rory is to stubborn to fail. I believe she will be okay."

"Probably." Sharpe caught Lelei, Yao, and Tuka giggling. "What?"

"Always a worrier under that turtle shell," Lelei said. "It is cute."

"Do not worry," Tuka said. "We are all worried."

"Sir," Andrew said as he looked through his binoculars. "I have a lot of incoming. I think fifteen of them."

"Fifteen?" Sharpe quickly looked through his binoculars and saw Rory. Among her are almost a dozen other Apostles. Half of which he has never seen before which is not a good sign. With the number of supernatural warriors that were incoming and none responding to radio hail, he could see a very worried look in everyone's manner, including himself.

Noticing that Rory started rushing forward, Sharpe placed his hand on his M17 sidearm, fearing the worst. With a strong leap from the base of the hill, Rory landed in the middle of everyone. "Hi everyone. It is so nice to see you all."

"You are alive," Lelei yelled as she gave Rory a hug. "And not turned into a monster."

"Oh yeah," Rory said, placing her finger on her chin. "You might want to talk with the designer of these radios. Apparently, they cannot withstand an Apostle fight."

Feeling a sense of relief, Sharpe walked over to Rory and kneeled, placing both hands on her shoulders. He saw all the damage along her body as it was still regenerating. "You are alright? Like, alright, alright?"

Rory smiled with a sense of relief. "Yes, I am. I also brought some friends. They should be able to help."

Seeing the over a dozen of Apostles appear, the uneasiness still did not leave. Sharpe saw two groups. The one everyone already knew and had friendly terms with and there was the other who were enemies only fifteen seconds ago. With the size of that group, if they attack no one here would be able to stop them.

"Are you sure Rory?" Sharpe asked.

"Yes," Rory said. "We are going to need everyone we can get."

Unable to argue with that fact, Sharpe faced the Apostles. "Alright everyone. You will be given orders in a moment. Alicia, Frost, find them all new radios. After that, you will be split into teams and spread out throughout the line. We are about to head to Darlko and end-."

As he spoke, Mabel interrupted. "Mortal, please. I know you are not from this world, but we are Apostles. We are hand-picked by the gods and we do not obey your Realm."

Rory gave the group a glare. "Yes, you will. All of you." Rory's bold statement baffled and frustrated Mabel's group.

Cronan approached Mabel's side and said, "We do not follow mortals. They are supposed to follow us or have your emotions got the better of you again, Rory?"

Feeling only frustration as this was the last thing Sharpe needed to deal with at the moment. Without hesitation, he walked right up to Mabel and stared her directly in the eyes to show no fear as he realized that she had become the leader of this faction. He remembered dealing with this mindset with other Apostles in the past and knew showing strength was the key. "When you and your friends speak, you say sir."

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