V17 - Chapter 204 Combat Outpost Romesha

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"I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Kamdesh, Battle of Wanat and others like it. You are brave SOBs. I wanted to write this chapter as an effort to bring awareness to forgotten battles, to show the bravery and sacrifices our troops made. There are many battles throughout history that have been forgotten in the pages of history, stories people never get to hear or see."


"The United States Congress has formally created the territory of Alcatris (a combination of the names Alnus, Italica, and Valtris into one name). The next stage is for the treaty to be sent to each of the proposed City-State for ratification. The City-States targeted for territorial unification areItalica, Valtris, Atler, Malrtis, Lorsiss, Naiktai, Daze Ferry, Kipliten, Sekorn Town, Deabis. Alnus Hill has a opt in clause within the treaty

If these cities merge into one territory, the population is about five and a half million. The largest city being Valtris, with one hundred and twenty thousand. Italica with forty-two thousand people, Naiktai with eighteen thousand, Kipliten with twenty-one thousand people. While not part of the proposed territory, Alnus Hill has reached the fifteen thousand mark (not including the eighty-five thousand military personnel) and is expected to reach twenty- three thousand mark by the end of the war.

Congress did not initially back the proposal to unify the region as their focus was on the war. Countess Myui Del Formal has been the originator and most prominent supporter. She proposed the idea to the State Department, and since then, they have operated in a supportive role. During her second visit three weeks ago she made a strong statement for unification, stating it is vital for the future of the region's economy and security. Stating that they want to fully separate themselves from the past and embrace the future of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Countess Myui has stated that the City-States need to unite to maintain economic supremacy and influence; otherwise, they will be sidelined by future powers and competition. That cooperation corporation will continue the region's prosperity.

Currently, the regional economy is going through a wartime boom. Early in the war, all these cities' economies were pushed to the brink of collapse. The Imperial embargo cut all imports and exports in the hopes of devastating the economies of cities under NATO control, hampering the war effort. While the regional economy is still less than it was before the war - with the growing amount of NATO troops flooring the region, the demand for food and other goods replaced the need to export, plus much-needed infrastructure investment it is recovering quickly.

Myui has stated that the current wartime boom will not last forever, and the Counts and Countess must prepare for the future. She believes connecting the proposed Alcatris Territory to the United States economy and, by extension, the Earth economy will position the region to become the region's economic hub.

References to this economic hub are the current economic competitions like manufacturing plants like aerospace, Internet providers, and farming goods. Air travel will become a new industry in the region once the current airliner competition finishes.

One key issue with the proposed territory is the topic of slavery. The Falmart Economic Trade Agreement (FETA) states that all Counts and Dukes who sign the treaty must dissolve slavery as an institution within five years of signing. The treaty sets up a straightforward incentive program to help weed the local economy off the institution, like paying slaves for access to the military and Earth market.

At this point, only Italica, Malrtis, and Daze Ferry have entirely abolished slavery. While Valtris has little need for slaves because of its demand for skilled labor, it is still phasing out the institution. Most of the other towns are still in the early phases of ending the institution as they need time to adapt.

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