V22 - Chapter 254 Galrik Stand

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--- City of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 26th, 2026

Rory stood on the blood-soaked battlefield. The ground felt spongy and slimy from the ever-expanding creep, making her think twice as she used her agility. Tightening her grip around her weapon, she carefully scanned the area for her opponent. She knew that Mabel was nearby however the creep was making it harder for her to sense her old brainwashed friend.

A flash of colorful light from Frayan and Envira's duel brighten the distance. It seemed that Frayen successfully prevented Envira from attacking the mortal forces. An Apostle, let alone a powerful magic user could jeopardize the entire mission.

Toward the other direction, Rory saw a small waterspout that was made up from the blood rain that had soaked the battlefield. From the sound of clashing steel and the annoying arrogant taunting of Giselle, it also seemed like she was having fun.

Suddenly, a blur of motion caught her eye, and before she could react, Mabel was upon her. Rory spun around, bringing her halberd around in a wide arc to block the massive red sword.

Jumping backward to gain some distance, Rory charged forward once she landed. Mabel also charged forward, and the two weapons collided.

The clash of metal echoed across the battlefield as the two Apostles engaged in a fierce battle. Rory's strength and agility gave her an advantage, allowing her to dart around Mabel and strike from an unexpected angle with her oversized halberd.

She knew that she did not have to directly defeat Mabel, just wound her enough to get the opportunity to destroy that Blood Sword. A brawl would only expand the fight and maybe risk her becoming under Mabel's control, so a quick victory was key.

Wanting to keep the momentum, Rory lunged forward once she saw an opening. Her halberd swept in a wide arc. Mabel parried the blow with ease, deflecting the weapon with a flick of her wrist.

Mabel then thrusted forward, slicing and thrusting, forcing Rory on the defensive.

Falling back, Rory took cover behind a group of small trees covered with creep for protection. This turned out to be a mistake as Mabel's blade cut the trees in half, causing this slug-like bubble to spew out at her face.

Sensing poison from the creep and her eye slightly starting to go fuzzy, Rory quickly jumped out of the way toward safety. This gave Mabel the openness she needed though as Rory was knocked away hard, impacting the ground.

"Alright Queen Bee," Rory mumbled as she got up, seeing that her vision returned to normal - she saw that Mabel was quickly approaching.

Leaping to the left, Mabel was able to hit her as she tried to recover. The force from the impact pushed her back.

Finding herself back on the creep, Rory saw Mabel again coming from the kill. As the red longsword came, she blocked with her halberd. She then spun her weapon, knocking the sword away and adjusting her blade to the back of her opponent's leg, tripping her.

Using the momentum of her halberd, she stood up and slammed the point of her weapon to where Mabel was. Mabel got out of the way but received a deep cut to her side.

With the quick pause, Rory saw the large battle of Apostles that surrounded them. A sight that she had never seen or heard of before. With the eons of history of Uros, no legend or tale of a moment like.

Karlin being ganged up between two Apostles, being rammed through the ground as she was torn apart until an arrow landed before them, exploding from one of Jasis spells.

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