V20 - Chapter 236

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--- Ticaret, Ticaret Conglomerate ---

Date: August 3rd, 2026

Everything they had been working toward had finally reached their grasp, so Altin thought.

He sat at his desk, looking over all the ancient desert city. The realization that he would have to see a man die in battle for the first time was weighting over his shoulders heavily. Not men from a far away land but men who were his countrymen. In the city he was currently living in, no less.

"I cannot believe the only way to end the bloodshed is to cause more bloodshed."

"Do not think of it like that," Tyuwal reassured him.

Leaning over his chair, he saw the love of his life freshening up in front of a mirror. Her beautiful feminine frame, the well-groomed blue feathers throughout her body. However, what had always attracted him the most had been her soft, soothing voice that brought a positive light.

"What makes you say that?" Altin asked. "I am terrified. I am starting a civil war and about to commit the worst crime in our people's history."

Putting down a pad, Tyuwal walked over and then sat on Altin's lap, slowly moving her hand down from his cheek to his jaw. "You have been preparing for this for the past six months. Your House is loyal to you, one of the only houses that are loyal to your character and not greed. It will be ok."

Hearing that relaxed him to a point. However, he realized that many of his loyal men were about to die.

"I know, Tyuwal," Altin said. "I just... it came so quickly. I do not know if I have the strength to follow through. I am not as strong or cunning as your Mistress or Azariah."

With a light kiss, Tyuwal laid her head against his shoulder and cuddled. "That is not true. Madame Tozuko bet everything on you. That is because she believes in you. You will lead us through these dark times. I believe in you."

Feeling empowered, Altin placed his hand on her side as he looked back outside the window, gazing at the city.


--- Ticaret, Ticaret Conglomerate ---

Date: August 3rd, 2026

Looking around the stone table, with Jackson Sharpe were Randy, Beluutie, Malena, and Rory. On the other side of the table was Tozuko, Altin, Tyuuwal, and the most important addition, Azariah Galen.

"This is risky," Azariah said. "It is too soon. The populace is still supportive toward the war."

"It is now or never," Altin said.

"Even with Gagnog Sand Shield betrayal, it will be a large task to start this war," Azariah Galen said.

"The Terrans are here to help," Tozuko said. "However, it is your decision."

Sharpe watched as Azariah Galen carefully analyzed the map on the table. Unlike the other two, it had become clear that this elf was far more conscious about kicking off a civil war, something he respected. The people who never fought are usually too eager to go to war. With the head of the Seckin Sanctum here, he felt far more comfortable with this agreement.

"A first strike will be simple," Azariah Galen said. "The thing is, while the Seckin Sanctum is the most elite force, it is still not large enough to fight off both the Tecim Union and Gummus House with multiple lower houses if they are mobilized. Even if most are deployed to war. But if we do secure the city, there will be counter-attacks and we will be overwhelmed."

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