V14 - Chapter 175

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--- nearby forest ---

April 4th, 2026

Sharpe watches Karlin rush off to Alnus.

He has seen Rory run before. DARPA tests show that she can run around forty miles per hour on a flat surface. From his estimates they are eleven or twelve kilometers from Alnus. In this terrain he assumes it will still take Karlin an hour and a half to get to Alnus.

He was not expecting to see Karlin here, let alone her being an Apostle. More he thinks about it the more he realizes he should have seen the signs. It explains why she took so much interest in his daughter.

He looks towards the battle and right now he knows what he needs to do. If Selina's kidnappers are still alive, then he wants them. Dead.

"What are your orders sir?" Wolf asks.

"Wolf," he says. "Rally your men to move in. We are going to push. Randy, bring up the flamethrower and burn everything. I want them dead."

He sees Randy orders the two combat engineers carrying the M11 Incinerator flamethrower(1). That soldier fires a long stream of fire into the Wood Elves position, burning everything. The trees, the elves, anything they can use against his forces.

Based on the evidence and the timing(2), he assumed Selina kidnappers wanted to trade her to the Wood Elves so he ordered a unit with flamethrowers. He remembers what happened last time(3), the Wood Elves using Fey magic to control plantlife to entangle the whole team, and the knights and Myui's assassin maids, effectively immobilizing everyone including a superhuman Apostle like Rory. It took the divine intervention of Tuka to release all the groups from the entanglements and Lelei's firestorm spell to effectively defeat the Wood Elves and rescue Selina in the end.

This time he won't allow them to use that advantage.

He aims his M4 and fires.

"Support the combat engineers," Randy orders. "Escort them and advance, keep up the pressure."

He stops and aims his rifle, taking out an elf.

He starts to see a tree getting up after a Wood Elf cast a spell on it. He also starts to see tree roots and branches coming alive.

"You're up Wolf," he orders.

"Swordsmen on me, prepare to charge," Wolf orders. "Alendor, use the flames from the flamethrower and maximize the damage."

He watches five Humans, Volradens, and a Warrior Bunny charge forward. With their melee weapon they start cutting down the roots and branches.

He also sees a militia elf walk up to one of the flames. He uses his spirit magic and controls the flames, spreading it more. The elf directs the flames towards that new Ent, engulfing into flames.

He can see that the Wood Elves are frightened by the flames, seeing their magic isn't working this time. He can see Lashin and Haoulis rallying what remains of their forces, to focus on using their arrows.

Andrew rushes over. "Colonel. I see the Human remains. Looks like the Wood Elves were trying to take them prisoners."

He looks over and sees the dead bodies of Selina's kidnappers. He then sees two survivors huddled together bound up. It looks like Lashin wanted to take them prisoners.

"Andrew, take two and secure those two," he orders. "I want them alive."

He looks back and sees the Wood Elves crumbling. He follows up behind Wolf wanting to keep the pressure.

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