V18 - Chapter 211 Astronomy

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"To Lieutenant General Charles Standford; Crety, and the mysterious fruits we found at the Haryo Base. This includes the operation Ghost Soldier and Viking Strike.

This is the detailed report of what we know so far about the epidemic on the Galo Highway, regarding the Roseisle Forest that turned a captive American into a monstrosity. Based on our close examination of the infected blood, we discovered a highly deadly and contagious virus that we have never seen before back on Earth, and we dubbed it as the Arrun Virus, based on its place of origin.

When the Virus enters the body, the Virus will first attack the cells directly and hijack all of its functions and replicate them rapidly until it reaches the brain. The victims of these early stages experience an incredibly high fever of 111.2 degrees Fahrenheit or 44 degrees Celsius (for the NATO memos), extreme fatigue, hallucination, and deliriousness. Overtime, their blood gradually turns black and the veins start appearing across the body. Once it comes into contact with the brain, the Virus takes over the function of all brain cells and uses the entire nervous system. The victims at this stage become physically stronger, immune to pain, and have higher sensory functions, but their mental capability has been reduced to animalistic aggression. Current estimates state that it takes nine to eleven hours for the body to fully convert to where the human is gone and the infection has taken over. Once the body is fully taken over by the Arrun Virus, we believe it can mutate their victims further and completely deform them into far more monstrous forms usually two days after infection: like extra arms, extra mouths, bigger muscles, or even protruding appendages from across the victim's body. All of these occurrences are still being investigated.

The Virus is transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids like blood or saliva through bites and scratches, but even then, if a single drop of blood or saliva gets into the eyes it is more than enough for a person to get infected. The Virus spares no one as all races and animals are confirmed to be susceptible to infection, except Apostles, of course. Consequently, extreme caution must be taken into account in handling the infected.

Luckily, so far, the Arrun Virus can be cured by using Rokude Pears that are shown to have a unique form of protein that can destroy the Virus but must be administered before the virus reaches the brain within five to six hours after infection.

For the fruits from the Haryo Base, our interrogation with the captive Hayro record keepers and close examination revealed that the fruits called the Essence of the Beasts came from the man-eating tree called Beast Devourers. The fruits are shown to contain highly concentrated hormones of different species, including: Minotaurs, Volraden, Trolls, Ogres, and many more, which suits the description that the tree absorbs the "essence" of the beasts it devours. We theorize that the tree stores the Hormones from different species it consumes into fruits. The effect of consumption is similar to people who overdose on steroids. Their mental acumen is reduced and replaced with a massive increase in strength, senses and muscle, and aggression. The Haryo's intention is to cultivate the trees and find a way to effectively control the individuals who consume the fruits to build a powerful army against us. It is safe to say that Haryo is trying to make powerful steroids for the League Army to turn them into super soldiers, much like the Nazis experimented with steroids back in WW2 to enhance the Wehrmacht.

Based on all these two problems, we must prioritize the containment of the virus first before it spreads uncontrollably. After that, we can make sure the Haryo will not make combat-enhancing drugs to the League Army. I will report to you for further information if there is any news coming up." - Ian Hawkins, Chief Biologist of Alnus DARPA base.


--- Mimoza Dorm ---

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