V22 - Chapter 255 Rory's Demon

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--- City of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 26th, 2026

Flying through a pair of strange creep infested trees, Rory impacted on the ground hard and slid a great distance. What stopped her was impacting a creep bolder, which exploded, and a dark green gas emerged.

While Mabel was a strong foe, Rory was a more experienced fighter. She was able to capitalize against her opponent and almost defeated her in battle, however Taylin changed that. It almost seemed like that was their plan to isolate her from the other Apostles and gang up.

Seeing her two opponents quickly advancing, she got back onto her feet and leaped away as Mabel's sword struck where she last was. However, Taylin was ready and quickly attacked her new location.

The two Apostles' weapons clashed as they ran across the valley. Rory realized that her speed was the key, otherwise, she would get pinned on two fronts.

Seeing that Mabel was on her way and was about to be flanked, Rory was forced to stop and turn to block Taylin's half-axe. She spun around so she could block Mabel's sword, deflecting it.

Rory looked around as she tried to form a plan. She heard over the radio that Lelei and Sharpe and the rest of the Rangers were busy fighting Galrik and Kagash and were unable to come and help.

Seeing Taylin standing there as Mabel moved to the left, Rory struggled with what to do. A feeling of anger and frustration started clouding her mind - remembering what Michael was saying while in Israel. What was the point of all the Archangel's questions and influence if this was how it was going to play out? Why bring up the long history between the two Apostles?

Deciding to fake a direct assault, Rory moved left after she got close to Taylin and attacked her old friend. Her halberd spun around, blocking her opponent's sword, and striking the leg. Knocking Mabel over. She then turned to face Taylin and blocked his ax. However, he was able to capitalize on her defensive nature, striking across her body. This gave Mabel the opening she needed. As she was busy dealing with Taylin, Mabel flanked, knocking her hard onto the ground.

Taylin quickly sliced off Rory's right hand that held her halberd and grabbed her.

The Apostle's body can quickly regenerate their physical form and stamina. However, there are still limits and Rory was starting to feel those limits. Fighting against two Apostles alone and without her weapon, she felt demoralized.

Feeling Taylin's firm grip, Rory was lifted by the neck and forced to her knees. Her remaining hand struggled to break Taylin's grip, preventing her from escaping. Noticing her weapon just below, however, with her dismembered right hand, there was no hope of reaching it from that side.

Mabel approached with a smirk of victory. Sword in hand, eager to thrust it inside Rory's heart to brainwash her.

"Mabel," Rory said with much reverence. "You have to stop this. I know you are under Zufmuut's control, but can you not see that this is wrong?"

"The agents of our time have come to end the corruption of our formal masters, Rory," Mabel said. "You of all should know how the gods failed our world as you seek the aid of outsiders as my god did. We are one of the same."

"Failed?" Rory struggled to say. "Your God is the cause of all this! The destruction of the world is not for the benefit of anyone. Look at what has happened."

"You have always seen the small picture, Rory," Mabel said. "Look around you, is this what the Kingdom of Heaven was supposed to be? Daily slaughters by tribal groups - based solely on the fact that people look different. The few takes power over the many with the threat of the blade. Asked Taylin here about how your Empire unfolded. Is this what the almighty sanctuary world is supposed to be? Taylin saw the light, am I corrct?"

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