V19 - Chapter 225 As the Gods Will

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--- Sadera ---

Date: July 14th, 2026

Empress Altoria Famulis stood, towering over the large table with figures representing the League and NATO on top of a massive map. She watched her husband, Zorzal El Caesar, and his war council circled around a large table as they debated their next course of action, carefully listening to every piece of information. The daily topic had become routine; NATO took territory, threatening the collapse of the League. Only a few areas on the map showed a glimmer of hope, but only a suggestion.

On a normal day, the war council would meet at a beautiful large room with pillars made out of marble. Silk clothes draped from the ceiling with a gorgeous view of the city. All represent the might of the Empire and its legacy. Now, being scared of the random strikes against the city from the enemy's long-ranged weapons, everyone sheltered in the now renovated old dungeons for safety from airstrikes and missile strikes. No one wants to look out the balcony and witness the smoke emitting from the key economic centers or storages of the city.

When the mailing wyvern arrived two days ago, panic erupted throughout the Imperial halls; the Fall of Rondel along with the news that the capital of the Dwarven Kingdom of Golrash within the Dumas Mountains had been discovered by the enemy, emphasized the fact the enemy was now another step closer to their doorstep. At this point, they could now surmise that a siege was now inevitable. Typically, one could assume a siege would last a few months, based on the history of Falmart. However, the short history with this enemy showed that the old rules of warfare no longer applied, probably only lasting a few days, a week at most.

It became the final straw for much of the population as many fled east. The Oprichnina's propaganda campaign has seemed too be effective in framing the Other Worlders as murderous demons who wished to rob them of their wealth property, starve them of food, and more. The worst of theories spread throughout the city streets like wildfire.

It was expected that the city of Rondel could have repelled NATO forces and subdue the population. Losing the great magical city was not acceptable as most of the Empire's magical industry and research were conducted there as well as the fact that magic is the only thing so far that provides the League a means to stand some chances against NATO even though it is minimal.

However, what the letters from Rondel stated baffled and scared everyone. It took multiple reads as Famulis mind kept rejecting what she was reading but with each read, the facts did not disappear. Demon was summoned and nearly decimated the city, almost killing everyone. Once reading that, she knew it was Darlko's doing. However, she never knew they had that ability.

"We must act now!" Herm said. "If the 14th Legion can betray us, then anyone can!"

"Don't read too much into it." Calasta Helvius replied. "Pepreos has always been more loyal to Rondel than the Empire's cause. Him siding with your sister is a show of weakness and desperation rather than an act of strength."

"Don't be a fool, Calasta." Famulis retorted. Looking toward her husband, she said, "Your sister is becoming a major issue. Having the 14th side with her and Rondel doing the same gives her clout for her revolutionary effort."

"Nonsense," Herm replied. "All this means-."

A small red figure was tossed across the table by Zorzal from frustration. He watched as all chatter subsided and then said, "My Empress is correct. What kept the Army and our alliance together this long was the fact that we were the only option."

"Let us not forget that this is the third traitorous General we had in this war, Pepreos being the most recent," Woody said.

What Woody La Caerellius, the General of the Imperial Army said, froze everyone. One crazy general with personal motivation could be seen as a fluke as every war has its traitors. The imperial elite could ignore Krysist and the Rose-Order of Knights as traitors. Everyone hoped that Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk would be the only traitor, especially after how the Oprichnina murdered him and his family. But if a well-respected man like him could change his allegiance, anyone could. With Pepreos gone to the enemy, it was only a matter of time as more Legions lay down their arms at best case, actively siding with the enemy at worst.

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