V15 - Chapter 179 Happy Anniversary

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"Archaeologists from the University of Oxford just made a breakthrough in the discovery in the ancient Roman Empire artifacts.

The Roman dodecahedrons, which are the mysterious objects that baffled Archaeologists and historians for decades have finally learned its true function. While it was believed it was a piece of Roman directionation however it was revealed to be a containers with a secret map hidden within it. the object's layout that led to the secret passage beneath the Colosseum in the lion dens of the . The secret passage led to a secret altar that contains the lost books of Livy, a famous Roman historian who wrote many books depicting the whole history of the Roman Empire. Most of his books had been missing for centuries after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

Further investigation and examination of the lost books of Livy are now in progress with cooperation of University of Oxford and University of Copenhagen as well as top Italian archaeologists and historians to discover what might be the lost history of the Roman era." - Lotus Eaters


--- Fort Minick, Barracks Section ---

Date: April 12th, 2026(1)

Hamilton walks into the Rose Knights barracks. She sees everyone relaxing, some watching the television, some cooking, and others playing games.

"Welcome back Hamilton," Ginebra says.

"You were gone for a while," Jalin points out.

She looks to the left and sees Ginebra, Jalin, and Elison playing cards at the table. "It was not that long."

"It's been three hours," Jalin says as he plays a card. "You missed your dish duties this morning."

"I'm sorry," she replies as she puts away her jacket. "I will go cook what we are bringing tomorrow."

Tomorrow is the North American holiday 'Thanksgiving(2).' Each barrack is making something to contribute to the party. Part of the holiday is bringing food as a tribute to say thanks to your fellow neighbor.

"Are you ok, Hamilton?" Elison asks. "You've just been acting strangely for the past few days."

Elison came with Panache during their attack on the Haryo Tribe to rescue the enslaved Americans(3). When the Rose Knights were banished, her parents tortured her. However, this was a ruse to trick the Oprichnina into thinking that her parents were loyal to Zorzal's regime. They helped smuggle her out, and she regrouped with Panache before they left to rejoin Pina and the rest.

"I said I am fine," she replies and walks away.

She stops by the kitchen and sees Suissesse and Shandy cooking. "Sorry, I missed everything."

"It' is okay, Hamilton," Suissesse replies. "You can help me clean all these dishes once we are done."

She looks around and sees a mess. She nods. "Where is the Princess?"

Suissesse points down the hall.

"Thank you, Suissesse," she says. She walks over to the table and grabs some tea and a tray.

She then heads to Pina's quarters.


Pina is sitting on her bed. She is looking at the letter Sharpe gave her, crying.

It is a simple letter, saying only a few words.

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