V17 - Chapter 206 Biohazard

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--- Galo Highway ---

Date: June 10th, 2026

"Fuck! These roads never end," Scott complained as he drove, watching the same trees pass by the Vanguard-7 convoy while on their way to Rondel. Currently they are on the Galo Highway, the most direct path to Rondel; however, Sharpe wants the unit to stop at the town of Crety, a major farming town that specializes in herb cultivation for supplying Rondel. From there, he will decide whether to continue on the Galo highway or take smaller roads.

"Yup, the sights start to get boring after a while," Frost agreed.

"I was hoping to see something out here in the wild," Scott said. "Something, anything besides Imperialists. The problem with our occupied zone is that we ended the frontier culture. I would have liked to see how things were."

Sofia laughed as she operated the vehicle M2 .50 caliber turret. "How do you think we are paying for this war? Freedom isn't cheap." She then leans into the turret hole. "How is your kitty girl Scotty? I bet you enjoy getting scratched when you two are banging."

After hearing that Frost laughs hard, annoying Scott. Quickly, he realizes that it was simply light-hearted teasing, and decides to play along with the joke. "A claw mark here and there is nothing. It is the teeth you have to worry about. But it is definitely different when compared with human women."

"I know what you mean," Frost said. "You would have thought dating a human woman is complicated but having a woman from another species adds a whole new dimension to it. For example, I caught Mentiv sleeping upside down. And when we have sex, she likes to bite my neck - softly, but still. Apparently, that is normal among her people."

"Yup," Scott said. "I walked into Persia while she was licking herself. It looks sexy but honestly it was a strange sight. It is something you don't see everyday. I do find her purring relaxing though."

"Yup, there is a lot you have to get used to," Frost added. "One day I caught Mentiv picking bugs from her little brother Jasif's head. She then ate it like it was normal."

"Why do boys only think about a woman vagina?" Sofia asked. "You guys realize we are a package deal. If you love them then you have to accept everything else that comes with them. In your case that includes the claws and teeth."

Hearing that coming from Sofia baffled Scott. "I thought you hated non-humans?"

"Hate is a strong word," Sofia replied. "I grew up in the inner city so I dated a lot of jerks, which are all Human by the way. Not saying I fully approve but I know how it feels getting tugged along. Either accept what you got or move on."

"Well, I guess what happened in Val-," Scott said.

Before Scott finished Frost yelled to stop. He looks forward and sees someone. "Shit!"

"Holy shit!" Scotts panicked as the Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle hit a man in the middle of the highway who ran in front of the vehicle.

After getting hit, the man begins getting up. The radio lights up as people are wondering what just happened.

"Oh god! Are you ok? Somebody get the Doc!" Scott said as he got out and rushed towards the man. Surprisingly, the man stands back up. He glares at Scott and the others, saliva overflowing from his mouth like a rabid beast, and Visible dark veins throughout his entire body.

Frost stops Scott and readies his M5 SIG rifle. "Something is wrong with him."

"Stay here while I get our medi-." Scott suddenly stopped when the man lunged at him. Hand and teeth out like a mad dog wanting to tear its prey apart . Instinctively, Frost shot at the man.

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