V21 - Chapter 250 Beachhead

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--- Outskirts of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 24th, 2026

Vanguard-5 regrouped after removing their parachutes, landing in an open valley. Captain Bailey Robinson looked up and saw the cloud streaks from the three C-130s engines that had just transported them and a company from the 82nd. He felt that they were now trapped. Deep behind enemy lines with no way to escape if things go south.

Hearing whining, Bailey heard his Warrior-Bunny wife crying. With a smile he looked toward Delilah who was on the ground, thanking her god to be on the ground. "You could have waited back at base."

"No...," Delilah slowly replied as she held her arms. "I..., I cannot believe that you people do this. I mean, who jumps out of a perfectly good 'aeroplane'? If bunnies were meant to fly, we would have wings."

"Then you need to drink Red Bull," Specialist James Ward commented as he took off his parachute, causing many of the other Rangers to laugh.

"Or the ones who failed high school," Sergeant Oliver Harris replied. "If you don't understand gravity, you cannot fear it."

Bailey walked over to his wife and kneeled. "This is why I wanted you to stay home."

"No...," Delilah said. "I know these lands. I just need a moment."

"Take as long as you need," Bailey said as he patted his wife on the back. He looked at the rest of his unit and saw them gathering their gear and securing the area.

"Finally," James said. "I was starting to get worried that we wouldn't get a drop in this war."

"That would be a war crime in my opinion," Private First-Class Daisy Wallace jokingly said.

"Not really," Private First-Class Adam Hopkins said. "Biggest one in this war has been the fact that James here still gotten rejected."

"Need to move on man," Daisy said. "I keep telling you, she never going to take you."

"You say that," James said.

"Wait...," Daisy stopped and stared at James. "Noriko said yes?"

"Why didn't you tell us on the plane?" Adam asked.

"Still processing something that had happened," James replied.

"Damn man," Sergeant Oliver Harris said. "Congratulations. That took you long enough. What pick-up line did you use?"

"I visited to say goodbye," James said. "Three Oprichnina showed up to kidnap her son and I fought them off before Krysist intervened. She then kissed me and we... became a thing."

"That would do it," Daisy said with a big smile. "Every girl wants to be rescued by a hero. I had a feeling she was playing hard to get."

"Really?" James asked, confused.

"Knock it off everyone," Staff Sergeant Trenton Hicks ordered. "We are deep behind enemy territory so keep your eyes sharp. You can gossip after the war."

"Sir," Adam said. "I have made radio contact with Vanguard-2. They have made contact with the 2nd platoon, 1st Brigade. Still no contact with the Command Team. There is too much interference in the air."

The magical interference has been a new element throughout the war, something that military scientists and engineers still don't fully understand. Being this close to the magical city of Darlko, Bailey is not surprised.

"Probably from that city," Bailey said. "Good that we can still maintain local COMS. Have anyone made contact with the enemy yet?"

"As of now, no," Hicks said. "Seems like we have a clean drop."

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