V16 - Chapter 199 Koda Woodline State

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"The first major strike on the Empire capital city of Sadera has completed. OPERATION: Tropic Thunder, the US Air Force, used a B-1b Lancer bomber to conduct bombing runs over the city, hitting three key locations.

Two targets were military installations, believed to be warehouses full of swords, armor, and other war materials. The third target was a manufacturing facility that was producing armor-piercing Javelin ballistae. These Javelins are launched from fixed ballistas or from mobile versions called Scorpio's.

While most weapons employed by the Empire have proven to be ineffective against NATO equipment, these Javelins have proven to be a hassle as they have been able to penetrate light and medium-class vehicles like Stryker's.

Air Force Brigadier Stryder from Global Strike Command has followed up by stating more strikes will be coming in the coming weeks. The goal is to destroy all manufacturing capabilities in Sadera and then expand to the other cities. Stryder believes they have discovered one of the facilities that produce the magical jamming towers and, once identified, will be destroyed.

Following up with that is to continue the campaign against the Imperial wartime economy. There have been two major issues that the Air Force and Space Force have been investing in to overcome. 1) How decentralized the Imperial economy is. 2) how far away most Imperial cities are with industry capacity. 3) Identify which supply convoys are civilian or military.

A critical issue that has plagued the Air Force bombing campaigns against the League supply lines is identified who is military and who is civilian. Once the Empire discovered that their supply wagons could be detected by NATO surveillance aircraft, they adopted them by moving supplies in smaller groups or away from traditional routes.

According to Space Force and native maps of Falmart, it is assumed NATO is only operating on about one-eight of Falmart landmass, putting most key cities out of reach except for B-52 Stratofortress and B-1b Lancer. Because swords, armor, bows, and other standard Legion equipment can be made at any blacksmith meaning targeting them has been tricky.

To counter this decentralization of industry and out-of-reach facilities, the Air Force is bombing critical infrastructure like bridges, highways, and other routes to prevent war materials. The idea is that the Empire can make as many weapons as they want; however, if they cannot be moved to the frontlines, it is wasted materials, being a drain on the economy.

The US Army has set up a Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Tomahawk missile battery at FOB Atlas, a 101st Airborne camp inside the Dumas Mountains. The Army is planning to use the Tomahawk range to strike targets of interest." - National Interest


--- Koda Woodline State, Coan Forest ---

Date: May 30th, 2026

The once-abandoned Coan Forest now has life again. The original human inhabitants were either killed by the Flame Dragon, or Vanguard-7 helped escape the forest to safety(1). For the past year, the forest has been empty, allowing Tuka people to move in.

"You look, great father," Tuka said.

"I thought Humans here had strange clothing," Hodor mumbles as he tries to figure out how to wrap a tie.

Seeing her father struggle, Tuka walks over and does his tie for him. "I saw Sarah had to do this all the time for Sharpe. I had her teach me how to. She always said a good lady knows how to dress their man."

"Ha, ha." Hordor looks at the mirror. "I swear, these Other Worlders like to make everything complicated."

"Stop calling them Other Worlders," Tuka corrects. "I think the term is Terran now."

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