Post-WotW writing Relfection

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Table of Context


Why I wrote WotW

My thoughts on Web Novels

What is next

Lesson I learned writing WotW

What I liked


What I would do differently

Deleted ideas

The End

Hello everyone, I cannot believe we are at this point but here we are. War of Two Worlds has finally come to an end. I started this project all the way back in March 2019 so it has been a long ride.

I want to start by saying, thank you all for reading my story, and going along on the journey. I understand it was a commitment as it was not a short read, 265 chapters + the 23 Shorts and I understand. I hope it was unique and interesting enough for you and I hope to see you in my next project. It has been a blast writing this book.

After over 4 years of almost nonstop writing, it feels weird to say that but here we are. It has been an amazing journey and thank you again.

I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who helped with brainstorming, editing, and other contributions. Thank you for your time and late-night conversations as we worked through this. And I want to say thank you to my Discord staff, you guys have been great

Why I wrote WotW:

It all started about nine months after watching Gate where I got stuck at home during a snowstorm and got bored. While I enjoyed Gate, I was very disappointed how it failed to live up to its premise. I kept having these ideas on what I would have done differently so I started it, only thinking that I would get a few chapters in and stop.

The idea of going to an alien world, fighting and exploring an fantasy and magical people. The idea of meeting these cultures, their social orders, and the relations between all these species. How do modern forces deal with all these factors? Etc. So many opportunities and all we got was a water down simp Harem story.

At the time I was working on a Story Bible for a different science fiction book, I knew I needed writing experience. As you can see, I am very creativity-imaginative (except for naming things) however, that didn't always translate onto paper. I had to gain writing experience, which became a good opportunity to do so, knowing I would go on to future projects. From there, I mostly ran on pure passion, figuring things out as I went.

Some thoughts on Web Novels:

These are very interesting and as I wrote WotW, I found some pros and cons to them that I think are important to keep in mind while writing a Web Novel. This isn't a statement if they're good or bad, better or worse than traditional books, more of to keep in mind as you write your book. This is new technology and will grow to be more important in the future. Just my opinions from my limited experience and everything I say I am guilty of it 🙂. I think a good way how to look at the differences is like, a traditional book is closer to a movie. You have a hard stopping point and you have to work around that while web novels are closer to TV seasons. Where you can spend more time on ideas.

Pros: With traditional books, you have about a 300 pages to cram everything you want into it. You have to be very efficient with your storytelling. This is good because, in theory, only the most important details are in it.

However, I would say this is what's great about Web Novels. There are no page limit so you can go far deeper into a subject, the lore of the world & characters. You can really go all out and put a lot of investment into what you want. If you have a story arc, you can add those extra details that you otherwise would have to delete or only reference. Maybe spend more time with characters, seeing a side that normally wouldn't be able to because of priorities.

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