V17 - Chapter 203 Valtris

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"A new defense industry has emerged over the past four months, with the need to resupply Native allies with better and new equipment - equipment like swords, armor, bows, and miniature crossbows. To save time, the military wants off-the-shelf options.

Three leading companies have emerged to meet this new demand, Sword Amerigo, a new subsidiary of Colt and a new company called TenDefense, a subsidiary of TenPoint, and an Independent company Whitney Armory. Each of these companies is covering critical manufacturing and development for these ancient weapons.

What these companies bring to the table is taking these weapons and modernizing them with modern materials like lightweight composites and refine and high-quality steel. This allows native Knights to have their Knight armor, however, 3x lighter than what they currently wear.

While no modern military uses swords and bows, many of the Native allies do. There was a debate at Capitol Hill and the Pentagon on equipping M4A1 Carbines and other infantry equipment. However, both decided that there was no time or resources to retrain our allies on modern weapons and tactics.

When asked by Task & Purpose, the Pentagon said that based on their experience training the Afghanistan and Iraq Army and King Duran rejecting the Army's weapons package. After twenty years, the military said that teaching third world nations has been difficult; training a classical-era military would be far more complex. It would push the already strained logistical networked past its limits.

King Duran said that he did not want to prioritize retraining his Army on how to use firearms at this time. To do so he would have to pull the bulk of his Army and spend at least a year retraining them in a completely different weapon system, which is entirely foreign to them, and he sees that as unacceptable. He prefers to focus on modernization on logistics and support equipment like the current Light Transport Competition and the Light Tactical Aircraft Competition - which an outcome is expected within the coming days to weeks. The Elbe Fiefdom won't have to pull as many soldiers from the frontlines to be trained on these programs and boost capacity. After the war, Duran said he then would consider other modernization efforts.

Many of the other City-States and the Kingdom of Alguna expect to announce some modernization winners soon. While smaller equipment like radio vests, first aid, and other small scale equipment for the Knights have been placed. Many of these cities are expected to name a winner of the Light Terrain Vehicle Competition (LTVC) in the next few days to weeks also. The goal of the LTVC is to provide logistics for each city for city security and military support.

Most of these sales are going through the foreign military sales (FMS) program to help fund sales to smaller economies on Falmart. " - Task & Purpose


--- Marketplace, Valtris, Alcatris ---

Date: June 9th, 2026

"How long are we going to be stuck here?" Alicia complains.

"For the last time, we will be allowed to cross in two days," Andrew frustratedly replied.

"Yeah, yeah," Alicia replied.

After a two-day hard drive from Alnus Hill, Vanguard-7 got stuck at Valtris behind a considerable backlog. The massive kilometer bridge was destroyed by Moon Elves and is currently being reconstructed. This has caused a gigantic logistical backlog as alternative routes cannot keep up with demand.

Now, Vanguard-7 is waiting for their turn to use the portable ferry bridge as the improved ribbon bridge is strictly used for constant logistics to Elies.

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