V19 - Chapter 227 Operation Trasimene Pt.2

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--- NATO Headquarters, Legrath, Elies Region ---

Date: July 24, 2026

The light of the moon faded as the sun rose on the day the remnant imperial forces dreaded engagement with NATO on open fields once more. With the news of the treachery of Ticaret forces abandoning their post for personal glory, Senior Centurion Tullus Varro took command of what remained of the 24h Legion. Nearly twenty-five hundred souls rush to the Becwood Forest to save their allies from guaranteed death.

With little time to properly prepare a plan, it was decided speed was the key. Cavalry and war-carts were decided, moving in three formations to move quickly and not get bogged down in battle.

According to the map, they are about a dozen leagues away from the Becwood Forest.

Up ahead, Varro heard loud explosions, clearly coming from the forward squadron. The first group must have sprung a trap.

Now that Varro knew where the enemy was, it was his job to hold them here until his leader, Legatus Fabius Aulus, reached the Ticaret before it was too late.

While not knowing what the enemy makeup was, Varro formed a plan. The first squadron had flushed the enemy out, now he wanted his squadron to strike the enemy's position. The third squadron farther right, would swing around, flank, and intervene after the enemy believed they engaged his full might.

As the squadron marched, they all could hear the sounds of battle. Bright lights and the loudest sounds of explosions pass the hill. The lights and sounds, a common trait in this war, once scared Varro but have grown used to such things. Judging by the sounds, the enemy probably used their medium-sized wagons.

The light wagons were easy to destroy. The enhanced javelins easily pierced through their armor. The medium types were more difficult, depending on the model. The gray box type the javelin and magic attacks were more effective while the strange bulky type required far more effort. The only thing he hoped was that there were no heavy wagons. The only chance against those was removing their eyes and damaging their track-wheel legs.

As the squadron rode up the hill, Varro looked toward the ballista wagon. The Empire attempted to counter the enemy's light wagons, which had shown mixed results in previous battles(1).

Once on the hill, Varro saw the carnage below. Dozens of medium-size bulky wagons formed up as the cannons fired. Some of them have the enchanted javelin on the hull. Others, the hull was partly melted from some type of magical attack. Still, it seemed like none of the enemy attacks had done the damage needed.

Looking toward the others, Varro could see the fear in their eyes. Open battle had yet to result in a victory so they all know what the outcome will be. While the Ticaret Houses wanted to battle for glory and wealth, those desires had waned for many of the Imperial soldiers. Most just wanted to survive and maintain what was left of their honor, while others just wanted to leave the war and stay alive.

"Our comrades need our help!" Varro shouted as he turned around to face his men. He could see the fear drenched over them as they sat ready on their horses in formation. He could tell that they knew they were only here to die. His men did their best to hide their anguish but that feeling was just too overbearing. Varro knew he needed to do something to get them focused or this attempt would have been for nothing.

"Men!" Varro shouted once more, grabbing the attention of his present men. "I will not lie to you; the looks on your faces already tell me what you all already suspect. Many of us, most of us will fall in this battle. We are to provide cover so that our reckless allies within the Ticaret may survive. We will charge forward into enemy fire so that this alliance holds. Most of your lives, including my own, might end here."

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