V21 - Chapter 242 Hell on Sadera

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"This is Jaywalker 2-1, we are surrounded. They are rising back up ! All of them! We are trying to regroup with the rest of Jaywalker! Fallback! Somebody get Flamethrowers on the flanks. Request Legionnaires for assistance!"

"This is Rebel 3-3, Echo 4 Delta! We're being ambushed by a horde of... Some kind of demons! Some of them are over 8 feet tall, multiple rounds needed to neutralize! They are firing magic blasts, and are bombarding us! We have multiple casualties including our CO, and we're being pushed back! Requesting assistance! Greg! Keep shooting them, hold them back!! Everyone else, focus your fire on their heads! Prioritize the ones that are about to launch their fire- Oh shit, INCOMING! Get clear, get clear!"

"This is Ironhide 3-1, calling any and all friendly callsigns in the area. My platoon is being ambushed by what looks to be demons! Ironhide 3-3 just received a mobility kill, and we're cut off! I say again, we're cut off! We're holding our ground for now, but we're running low on 25mm and TOW missiles. Is there anyone who can assist? Over."

"Overlord, this is Talon 1-1. My flight is being harassed by flocks of what appear to be Gargoyle-like creatures! Our door gunners are doing their best to shoot them down, but the skies are swarming with those things and they are bombarding us with some type of breath attack. Airspace over Sadera is contested, we have to pull back. Shit! Some of them have latched onto Talon 1-2! Talon 1-2, shake them off! Fuck! They're ripping off your tail! 1-2, land your bird now!!"

"Fuck! Fuck! I can't! I lost my vertical control! Mayday! Mayday! Talon 1-2, we're going down! I say again, Talon 1-2 goin- Ahh! Fuck! Get it- Get these fuckers off me! AHHH!!!"

"Talon 1-2 is down, I repeat tal-"

"Talon 1-1 come in. Talon, do you copy?"


--- Outskirts of Sadera ---

Date: August 7th, 2026

Hanging high above the sky, the yellow light from the hot blazing flare had been beating down on the open grass field. Soldiers of both worlds sat by and waited to see if they would be summoned to storm the city of Sadera, the capital of the crumbling Empire. Devoid of shade, the waiting soldiers found whatever they could to stay cool.

Kilometers outside the city, a long line of soldiers, equipment, and hardware were positioned to assault the city if requested. As the invasion of the city unfolded, it became clear that no one will be needed and boredom unfolded among the ranks.

To help pass the time, each side started to mingle amongst themselves. As the flare moved higher into the blue cloudless sky, General Krysist noticed a few Republicans and Terrans start to engage in conversation. Some of the encounters had been groups arguing regarding past battles and the differences in politics between the two worlds. On the other hand, other groups joined in each other's games of cards and dice or sports.

Regardless of what world a warrior was from, it was clear that all warriors spoke the same language. One of them being the anger of being left out of a battle. Being put on the sidelines as if they were no longer needed.

"In my entire life, I had never sat out a battle," Krysist said as he put away his leather water pouch after wiping the sweat from his forehead. "I have never been more humiliated in my life."

"Stop being dramatic; it does not suit you," Malena said. "And I highly doubt this is the most humiliating moment of your life."

Krysist gave the warrior bunny a glare which she only responded with a challenging smirk.

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