V22 - Chapter 261 Mount Olympus

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--- Mount Olympus, Greece, Earth ---

Date: September 12th, 2026

The pilots of their Chinook said that they would reach the top of the mountain in about fifteen minutes. The aircraft was full. Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe, Rory, Lelei, and a bunch of Secret Services and Navy Seals escorting the President of the United States.

Sharpe couldn't help himself but feel antsy, meeting the Earth Gods once again. What comforted him was feeling his wife's hand over him as Sarah sat beside him.

"Calm down, Jackson," Rory said. "I highly doubt they will challenge you to another duel."

"You say that." Sharpe thought about every battle so far. "History says otherwise."

He heard a giggle coming from the other side of the chinook, from the President.

"I would not mind if there was another duel," Potts said. "I have yet to see one of these duels that you like to do so much."

Hearing what the President just said, Sharpe looked toward Rory as the two burst out laughing. "If it is a duel you want Madam President, a duel you shall receive. However, I will be charging tickets this time."

Potts smiled and said, "Glad you still have that sense of humor. But I guess it would be best if this went down as peacefully as possible."

"What are you going to propose?" Lelei asked.

"As of now," Potts replied. "Peace and a permanent forum of dialogue. I do understand their desire to be left alone and I believe that would be wise. However, after everything we all have been through the revelation from the Roman Chamber, and the fact we needed their help to defeat the Demon God, we cannot ignore their presence. We are both part of this world and need to maintain a formal relationship."

"I expect them to wish to remain isolated from the world," Rory said. "I have had enough conversations with them that they do not want to interfere with your development as a worldwide civilization."

"I do believe that would be best," Potts said. "The world has already experienced a lot and maybe, one day when they choose, they can join us in the public Realm."

The Chinook hovered above the great Mount Olympus, slowly dissenting until it touched the ground. The loadmaster walked past everyone and lowered the ramp. The Navy Seals were first to walk off down the ramp, securing the area.

Once the area was secured, the Secret Service escorted the President, Sharpe, and the Girls of the helicopter. A strong breeze blazed through the mountaintop, forcing the females to protect their dresses and skirts.

"That felt unusually strong," Sarah said.

"Because they know we are here," Rory said.

Hearing the Hellenic Army Chinook land nearby, which was carrying the Greek Prime Minister, the French President, and the English and Japanese Prime Ministers. The other major players within NATO that contributed to the war effort. The helicopter landed and they offloaded themselves.

Seeing nothing on the mountaintop, Sharpe saw the disappointment in the President. "Is something wrong?"

"I was expecting a welcome party," Potts said. "Not, nothing."

"Do not underestimate them," Rory said. "They are here and watching."

The intense wind suddenly stopped dead. The mountain chill disappeared as the surrounding area became room temperature. The air went sweet like an olive-wine smell.

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