V22 - Chapter 260 Victory in Falmart

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"To my fellow citizens, I am here to announce that the war on Falmart has finally come to an end.

As we saw, the war presented many unique challenges that we never faced before. First contact with an alien civilization and what we deemed fantasy has become a normal part of the universe. And most of all, for the first time our military had deployed to a foreign land that was on another world. With all those new challenges they still thrived.

The aggressors who first attacked Philadelphia have been brought to justice and the regime who opposed us has been overthrown and replaced. The ones who purposely instigated the war, Darlko, had the goal of opening their own Gate to challenge us. They have failed thanks to the quick reaction of our and our ally military forces.

I want to start and say thank you to our NATO and allies on Falmart for their assistance. Thanks to their contributions, they helped prevent a destabilizing situation throughout the heart of Falmart. Famine, civil unrest, ethnic tensions, economic collapse, and the expansion of slavery were all prevented by all our forces. This was a key objective in our plans to have a stable post-war and we will maintain that as our primary goal.

Now that the war is over, a new Era has begun.

Going forward, we will be leaving a multinational force to help maintain security and prosperity throughout the continent. Through this, we will begin and expand on a new effort of scientific and thaumaturgy discovery.

Our nation has always had two sides. When called upon we are willing to fight for what we believe in and rise to that challenge, putting away any differences and become one. However, we are also adventurous. Not just with our military might but with the push of our knowledge and innovation. We will pioneer a new Era of development and prosperity for both worlds..." - President Emily Potts speech to Congress.


--- Alnus Liberty, Alnus Community ---

Date: September 10th, 2026

Sharpe watched the large television that was on the wall as he took a drink from his Alnus Ale. As he watched the President's address, he leaned on a cane, still feeling the burns around his body. Still feeling a small amount of pain from the burn. Even with Karlin's healing ability, there will be some nerve damage for the rest of his life. However, they achieved victory, so he considered it a worthy trade. At least his wife enjoys the new scars.

It has been two weeks since the Battle of Darlko. While it was a victory, it came at a high cost. According to Hardy, once Valker and Zufmuut had been killed the Gods of Uros intervened and won the battle. The Demons were either turned into ash or were repulsed through the Demon Gate.

With the people of Darlko, the Gods decided that the survivors were forced to go through the Gate as punishment. The reason was that they betrayed their world by serving gods from hell so it was decided that they should live under those terms. If they wanted to serve the demons then they shall go to them. Now that Zufmuut was killed, this allowed Hardy and Emroy to take control the of Demon Gate, the citizens were forced through and then the Gate was closed, ending the impending threat.

When the White House learned of this, they decided to take a back seat and classified as much as they could. The current public narrative that was pushed by the government was that once Valker was killed, the city opened terms to NATO forces and agreed they would leave Uros if NATO agreed to stop their aggression. Everything relating to the Gods of Uros being corrupted, the Earth Gods, Michael the Archangel, the Holy Spear, the Gods of Earth, and The Big Man were classified from the general public for the time being.

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